Missing access privileges for report -- Import

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  1. Markh76, Member

    Hi All, trying to create a simple import and getting an error:

    'Missing access privileges for report sp_DBR_import_test'

    My stored procedures, both created in mydbr database:

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_inv_import(ssku VARCHAR(100),sdesc VARCHAR(255),sqty INT,sstoreid VARCHAR(100),sprice DECIMAL)

    INSERT INTO server_name.store_inv(sku,`description`,qty,store_id,price)
    VALUES (ssku,sdesc,sqty,sstoreid,sprice);


    and the report procedure that calls it:

    CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_DBR_import_tab_file`()

    select 'dbr.import.options', 'skip_header', 1; /* Treat first line as header and skip it */
    select 'dbr.import', 'sp_DBR_inv_import';


    Tried creating the SP in the target db also but get the same error when using:
    select 'dbr.import', 'server_name.sp_DBR_inv_import'

    Other stored procedure calls on a named server work okay.. All the db's are on the same server with mydbr.

    Any help appreciated.


  2. Markh76, Member

    As a side note, calling the import stored_procedure from within a report works:

    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_DBR_import_tab_file
    CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_DBR_import_tab_file`()
    -- select 'dbr.import.options', 'skip_header', 1;
    -- select 'dbr.import', 'sp_DBR_inv_import';

    CALL sp_DBR_inv_import('1234','test11',0,'001',5.00);



  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    make sure the user running the import has access rights to the sp_DBR_inv_import-procedure as well.

    myDBR Team

  4. Markh76, Member

    If this is run from mydbr with admin login, would the user information be different than any other report that works?

    That would mean, in the report, that calling the import sp directly should fail also.

    CALL sp_DBR_inv_import('1234','test11',0,'001',5.00);

    But this works. Is there separate permissions that we'd need for dbr.import?

    We have hundreds of reports that work and call sp's but this is a first time using import.



  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    No difference. Do you have the sp_DBR_inv_import set as a report inside myDBR?

    myDBR Team

  6. Markh76, Member

    yes, inside mydbr and references a 2nd db. Even if I comment out the code inside sp_DBR_inv_import, I still get the same error.


  7. Markh76, Member

    I got it from what you just said. I created the SP in mydbr but did not make it a report. I just added it to a report and testing.

    Thanks for the pointer and move onward now..



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