Sorry for my english.
There is an arbitrary database mysql, from which I want to retrieve information in the form of various reports. Simple queries to the database do not solve the problem, because no amenities "transition" from the already obtained results to the new requirements.
It is necessary to work this way: do some inquiry, such as select * from the database. Save it. And run. It gives us the results, and we can conveniently the sort the results, all kinds of filters, export, and more.
Further, any of the fields, issued to us as a result, we can bind one or more queries with different results on the field (on which the mouse is clicked) as one of the variables of this new query (or queries).
For example, the query select * one of the database fields - user name. By the name of the user I want to attach two new requests (buttons right next to it, or the right button ..), one of which will give me another table their personal data, and the second - all his visits to the system.
How to do?