Permitting creation of report procedures by multiple users

(5 posts) (2 voices)
  1. nsepetys, Member

    Hello myDBR Representative,

    How are we doing? I noticed when trying to create a report's stored procedure for my personal DB credentials that upon opening the report it gave me an error stating that the procedure was not created by the username that the myDBR instance was setup under. I understand we can re-run the install and use my personal DB credentials for the setup but I'm looking to eventually permit multiple users to make changes to reports.

    Is it possible for us to implement a list of individuals that are permitted to create procedures for reports? If not, is that a potential feature that could be implemented in future releases?

    I would love to see certain users permitted to make those changes especially since when team collaboration starts happening within the myDBR environment, overwrites and versioning issues can crop up unless the report procedures are pulled into some type of source control that keeps people from pulling and modifying files that may be locked.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you create a stored procedure with your personal DB credentials, database server (MySQL) by default does not allow myDBR to read those procedures. You can allow this by granting myDBR user access to mysql.proc-table.

    When you create reports in myDBR, the database objects are created by same database user (the one defined in Environmental settings). This is the case regardless of the admin login used.

    myDBR Team

  3. nsepetys, Member

    So I just need to give the db user, that myDBR was installed under, read only access to the mysql.proc table and then my personal db user can create report procedures that can be ran through myDBR?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The access needs to be given to the username myDBR runs.

    The recommended method is that you create the reports under the username the myDBR runs. And it is automatically done when you create the reports inside myDBR. May save you troubles with permissions later on.

    myDBR Team

  5. nsepetys, Member

    I agree that it might be easier in the short-term. But long-term I don't foresee a team being able to collaborate in an efficient manner, in the same unprotected code, without potentially overwriting or, worse, dropping procedures that someone else is working on.


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