Log in with other user (Admin) when with auto login turned on

(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. john, Member

    did the following google search and didn't find an answer
    Automatic login site:mydbr.com

    I did find a post that said you should be able to access /login.php to enter your username/password with auto login turned on.

    When i access that url i get the mydbr logo and the text
    Not done yet?
    the text is linked to /index.php

    Is there some hidden magic to log in with admin or have i totally lost admin access for ever and ever.

  2. john, Member

    Note the login.php page is exactly the same page as the /thankyou.html that loads after clicking log out except the /thankyou.html page has this additional line of text inbetween the logo and the text not done yet.
    Thank you for using myDBR!

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can always access the local (myDBR) login method, even if you have set another login method in Environment settings. To do that access the login page with '&local=1' added to the login URL.

    myDBR Team

  4. john, Member

    Am i typing it wrong? this is the 404 reponse i get from my server.

    The requested URL /login.php&local=1 was not found on this server.

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    use yourserver/mydbr/index.php?a=login&local=1 instead.

    myDBR Team

  6. john, Member

    that did it. Thanks very much


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