( ! ) Fatal error: Exceptions must be valid objects derived from the Exception base class

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. loydb, Member

    I'm getting the following when I attempt to do initial setup. I click continue from the first screen, and get this error:

    ( ! ) Fatal error: Exceptions must be valid objects derived from the Exception base class in /var/www/mydbr/install/model/install_model.php on line 155

    Edit: the problem was permissions of the config files

    To fix, go into /var/www/mydbr and chmod 666 *.php

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    For some reason you will not get a proper error message. The problem is that your config file is not writeable by the web server. The installer creates the config file for you so it needs to have write permissions to mydbr_config.php.

    myDBR Team

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Turns out the XCache opcode cacher causes the problem with ionCube at least on some OS platforms. As ionCube applications are being encoded at a binary level, the opcode cacher's (XCache/OPcahe) should be turned off.

    myDBR Team


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