hsum problem after exporting to excel

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. chadwickhung, Member

    Dear sir,
    We found an issue after exporting a crosstab report to excel. The hsum column shows a formula "=sum(I10,J10)" instead of the summed value. Please help.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    latest version of myDBR does use actual Excel formulas where it can in Excel export. Looks like your formula is not being evaluated. What is the application you are using to open the Excel file? Is it Excel or something else?

    To see what is going on, please open a ticket by sending the generated Excel file and the SQL-export of your report to support email.

    myDBR Tea,

  3. chadwickhung, Member

    Thanks. I opened it on Excel for Mac.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The dbr.hsum command works only with numeric data. If you have numbers as text, convert them into numbers first.

    myDBR Team


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