Odd that this text was succesfully saved in the title feild but putting it the suffix feild failed - could be too long. I tried to use the "Suffix" feild to break up my long text from title feild, and saving fails with no ui notification except maybe the button looks a bit different. After failed save all report paramter customization for that paramter has been removed for the report (only tried with reports with single paramter).
I suspect it is the same sort of thing that happens when you edit a report procedure and you have an error when you click execute, the old procedure has been dropped but since you have an error the new procedure has not been written, if you don't save a valid new procudure even the most recently saved good procedure doesn't exist, that has the tabs to get you back though.
When you click on save info in Edit Report there isn't any obvious visual feedback of success or failure (could be my user theme/skin). Better visual indication it has failed and totaly wiped out all my data would be great.
text that i pasted into suffix
, _______________Search Specefic Fields -> use % to seperate, no spaces between fields, all feilds are required.________________________Feild order->Project Number%Customer Name%Network Number%City%Address