Processing button for Report Submit

(5 posts) (2 voices)
  1. nsepetys, Member

    Hello myDBR Representative,

    How are you doing? Would it be possible to allow the "Run Report" button to be disabled on click and then to show "Processing" text or a type of graphic to indicate that the report is running? Some users don't notice the browser is working and end up running the report proc a few times for one view.

    - Noah

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    there is no easy way of doing this. It would require additional layer which would toggle between "Processing" and actual report.

    myDBR Team

  3. nsepetys, Member

    I probably am oversimplifying the problem. A solution for the whole myDBR framework would be great but could we do it at least at the report level and use jquery to apply a disabled attribute and value change for the onclick property of the "Run Report" button?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Unfortunately it would not work.

    When you click the "Run report"-button, browser moves to the report URL. You can hide/disable the button on click, but browser might not even show the change as it is already moved to new URL (depends on the browser). When user clicks back-button from the report, the "Run report"-button would be invisible/disabled.

    myDBR Team

  5. nsepetys, Member

    Alright. Well that's unfortunate. Thanks for your responses though.


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