dbr.accordion question

(3 posts) (2 voices)
  1. ajdjackson, Member


    I'm hoping to create an accordion with the last accordion displaying an invoice containing options picked in earlier accordions.

    I have tried to replicate what I have down previously with dbr.tab by adding the report to be called and a parameter eg:

    select 'dbr.tab', 'Summary','sp_DBR_SS_Summary', inPltID;

    This works great with the invoice being created every time the tab is selected.

    Is this functionality in dbr.accordion?

    I've tried select 'dbr.accordion','Summary','sp_DBR_SS_Summary',inPltID; and select 'dbr.accordion','Second','sp_DBR_SS_Summary(inPltID)'; but nothing gets displayed.

    I have also used

    'dbr.accordion','Summary'; call sp_DBR_SS_Summary(inPltID); dbr.accordion.close;

    This loads the report when first clicked but doesn't reflect any changes the user subsequently makes?



  2. ajdjackson, Member


    I've had a play with this today and think I'v got a solutions that seems to work.

    I create a script using the function load().

    select 'dbr.javascript','$(document).ready(function(){ $("#ui-id-3").click(function(){ var inplot = $(\'#u1\').val(); var url = "report.php?r=291&u1=" + inplot + "&m=7&h=49641140304b8b7cf7fb05bc8c9479fdf85af87a #invoice"; $("#summary").load(url); }); });';

    This works :)

    But is this best way to do it?

    Also I had to hard code #ui-id-3. How to I get the ID of the last accordion?



  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    That is fine. You can use jQuery .last() to select the last accordion.

    myDBR Team


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