dbr.report export to csv

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  1. rblanalt, Member


    I have a linked report which I do want to output to a file in CSV format.

    I use the dbr.report with 'append=&export=csv'.

    Then the linked report is opened in a new window with the output in cvs text format, but it does not produce a file.

    If I run the report directly I get a cvs file saved to the disk.

    What do I need to do to automatically save the result to a cvs file if used via dbr.report?


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    It should download the CSV as a file by default.

    Can you show the exact code? What is the browser you are using?

    myDBR Team

  3. rblanalt, Member

    With this information I could now find myself the problem.

    I used a 'popup' in dbr.report. If a popup is used then the result is shown in the popup and the files is not downloaded.

    Here what is not working:
    select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_download_measurements_v3','[Download]', 'popup','vstop_timestamp=measurement_campains','vcustomername=customername','append=&export=csv';

    Here how it does work:
    select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_download_measurements_v3','[Download]', 'popup','vstop_timestamp=measurement_campains','vcustomername=customername','append=&export=csv';

    Thanks for your support which is always very good and quick

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you ask the CSV report to be shown in a popup window, myDBR will do it. Without the target, the output is directed to a file.

    myDBR Team


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