I'm using dbr.divify for a simple a report but have hit an issue that I've tried to resolve.
The code for the report is:
select 'dbr.css','.Status {font-style:bold; display: block;text-align:center;font-size:1.5em;border: 2px solid gray;border-radius:5px;padding:5px;width:10%}';
select 'dbr.css','.plots {border:none;}';
select 'dbr.divify';
select 'dbr.hdr','PStatus';
select (CASE when c.tblSalesInv_Net > 0 then 'Sold' when a.Plot_Contract = 'Yes' AND ifnull(c.tblSalesInv_Net,0)=0 then 'In Contract' when a.Plot_Contract = 'No' AND ifnull(c.tblSalesInv_Net,0)=0 AND ifnull(a.Plot_BookDate,0)<>0 then 'Booked' ELSE 'Available' END) AS 'Status[PStatus]', fn_plot(a.tblcontractxidjobno) as 'Plots[Plots]' from hilmark.tblsitesplotsjake a join hilmark.tblsitesjake b on a.Site_ID = b.Site_ID left outer join hilmark.tblsalesinv_j c on a.tblcontractxidjobno = c.tblSalesInv_XIDJob where b.Market_Name = inSite and fn_plot(a.tblcontractxidjobno) not in ("999","998") order by 1,fn_plot(a.tblcontractxidjobno);
The issue I'm having is that the html output includes divs with class Status that have span inside with the class hdr.hide.
So if I want to style the Status divs with the headers all the hidden divs are styled also eg
<div class="Status">
<span class="hdr_show">Available</span>
<div class="Plots">15</div>
<div class="Status">
<span class="hdr_hide">Available</span>
<div class="Plots">16</div>
<div class="Status">
<span class="hdr_hide">Available</span></div>
<div class="Plots">17</div>
I've tried using javascript such as 'dbr.javascript','$("span hdr_hide").parent().hide();'; but nothing I've used has worked.
Is there a way to remove/hide the divs with the spans with the class hdr_hide?