GEO ID People location Report

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. vboccalate, Member

    guys I have to report in a simple tab a list of 10 names. Every week these people are moving coutry so I need to add a drop down menu selection with country list and assign from a certain calendar date to another a different location.

    once assigned these locations go onto a tab and on a google map flag which says where the guys are .from Date A to date B.

    is there anything already done to customize a bit which it might suit to me.

    hope yes. many thanks

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can do all that quite easily with myDBR. Let's break it down a bit:

    1) Location entry. If you have the people and the locations. You just need to to a report which allows you to combine these two with date. It can be a separate entry report or a generic location report where the data is updateable.

    2) Now that you have information needed (person, location and date) you can put it all on GoogleMaps. The more information you have about the location (address) the more accurate the map looks like.

    myDBR Team

  3. vboccalate, Member


    I need to have entry mask with Calendar and countries list, name of the person to assign to a certain country place.

    this in mydbr. I do not have to import all in once in mydbr but continuously update it.

    what I wish to do is to update then on a second stage using editable fields , I have no input masks in php or html.

    do oyu have something similar to propose and adapt?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Take a look at the myDBR documentation about editable reports.

    You can very easily to make a report which allows you to enter data and use templates for all of your data (calendar, country and person selections). We do not have ready meade solution for your specific use case, but within example code you should find everything you need.

    myDBR Team


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