can't figure out how to turn off rounding

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  1. john, Member

    followed along with the example "Source code for report "Edit cell and set value for another cell"

    Trying to make the value of the second column display with decimals, it will only display whole numbers.

    The type of my second column is a decimal(13,2). The value set by the Javascript code always seems to round to whole numbers. Instead of displaying 641.50 it displays 642 and instead of 64.15 it displays 64
    if i refresh the page it loads with 2 decimals.
    I have tried a column style for more than one decimal but that doesn't work either.
    the javascript alert shows 2 decimals

    select 'dbr.editable', '[q]', 'sp_DBR_update_tbl_project1_decimal', 'inid=id','type=autosize', "options={'callback':twoparams}"; select 'dbr.javascript', 'function twoparams(value, settings)
    When returning more than one parameter, value is a JSON string that you can convert to JavaScript object with jQuery.parseJSON
    var o = jQuery.parseJSON(value); alert ( parseFloat( col_value_text( this, this.cellIndex+1, o.qty );
    col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex+2, 0, parseFloat( );
    }'; select,
    p.Qty as 'Qty[q]',
    p.Total as 'Total',
    from test.table121 p;

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the third parameter of the col_value_set() is the number of decimals to show. Just change the line to read:

    col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex+2, 2, );

    myDBR Team


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