I'm experiencing the exact same issue?
Each time a popup loads the 'blue' space at the top gets bigger until I can't even see the start of the report or even the close, open in a window, or refresh buttons.
The initial popup looks OK but it has no vertical scrollbar and once you drag the popup the header goes like the images shown.
My popup is very simple:
CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_DBR_Bank_Detailed_Trans`(inAccID varchar(50), inStartDate date, inEndDate date)
declare accname int;
select CBAccountID from SageBankAccounts where AccountDescription = inAccID into accname;
select 'dbr.title','';
select 'dbr.subtitle',concat('Bank Movements for ',inAccID);
select 'dbr.crosstab',5;
select 'dbr.sum',6;
select 'dbr.crosstab.col','Inflow','Outflow';
date(a.TransactionDate) as 'Date',
a.NominalOrTraderAccountNumber as 'Acc. Ref',
if(if(a.ChequeValue >= 0, d.CustomerAccountName,c.SupplierAccountName) is null,b.AccountName,if(a.ChequeValue >= 0, d.CustomerAccountName,c.SupplierAccountName)) as "Account Name[AccN]",
a.ChequeDescription as 'Details',
when a.ChequeValue >= 0 then 'Inflow'
else 'Outflow'
end as 'Type',
a.ChequeValue as '£'
SageBankPostedTrans a
left outer join SageNominalAccount b on a.NominalOrTraderAccountNumber = b.AccountNumber
left outer join SageSupplierAccount c on a.NominalOrTraderAccountNumber = c.SupplierAccountNumber
left outer join SageCustomerAccount d on a.NominalOrTraderAccountNumber = d.CustomerAccountNumber
where a.CBAccountID = accname and a.TransactionDate between inStartDate AND inEndDate
order by a.TransactionDate asc;['code]
Any thoughts?
Cheers and a Happy New Year.