I have a Grid Service with MediaTemple, no root privileges are given on MySQL (just read/write), and I get this message during the instalation (when the script tries to create de Objects)
MySQL error 1044: Access denied for user 'xxxxxx@%' to database xxxxxxx
I've tried to execute the SQL it gives in PhpMyAdmin:
( inSchema varchar(64) )
declare vCnt int; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='authentication'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add authentication int not null default 2;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='reportgroup'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add reportgroup int not null default 1;
alter table mydbr_reports add FOREIGN KEY (reportgroup) REFERENCES mydbr_reportgroups (id);
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='sortorder'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add sortorder int null;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='runreport'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add runreport varchar(50) null;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_folders' and column_name='reportgroup'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_folders add reportgroup int not null default 1;
alter table mydbr_folders add FOREIGN KEY (reportgroup) REFERENCES mydbr_reportgroups (id);
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_folders' and column_name='explanation';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_folders add explanation varchar(255) null;
end if; update mydbr_folders set name='#{MYDBR_AMAIN_HOME}' where folder_id=1; ALTER TABLE mydbr_userlogin MODIFY COLUMNuser
ALTER TABLE mydbr_reports_priv MODIFY COLUMN username varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_statistics MODIFY COLUMN username varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_groupsusers MODIFY COLUMNuser
varchar(128); select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_statistics' and column_name='authentication'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_statistics add authentication int not null default 2;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_userlogin'; if (vCnt<2) then
ALTER TABLE mydbr_userlogin add primary key (user
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='optional'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_params add optional int not null default 0;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='passworddate'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add passworddate datetime null;
update mydbr_userlogin set passworddate = now();
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='email'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add email varchar(100) NULL;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='telephone'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add telephone varchar(100) NULL;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from mydbr_userlogin
where admin=1; if (vCnt=0) then
INSERT IGNORE INTOmydbr_userlogin
( user, password, name, admin, passworddate, email, authentication, telephone)
VALUES ('dba',md5('dba'),'myDBR Administrator',1, now(), null, 2, null);
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_licenses' and column_name='type'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_licenses addtype
varchar(255) default null;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_licenses' and column_name='version'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_licenses addversion
varchar(255) default null;
end if; select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=inSchema and table_name='mydbr_languages' and column_name='date_format'; if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_languages adddate_format
varchar(10) null;
alter table mydbr_languages addtime_format
varchar(10) null;
alter table mydbr_languages addthousand_separator
varchar(2) null;
alter table mydbr_languages adddecimal_separator
varchar(2) null;
end if; END
But I get another error:
( inSchema varchar( 64 ) ) BEGIN declare vCnt int;MySQL ha dicho:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3