Sign in with Google

(6 posts) (3 voices)


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  1. jcushman, Member

    Hi All,

    We're wanting to authenticate to MyDBR using our google credentials...basically have a "Sign in With Google" option on the login screen.

    Has anyone done this, or any input on getting it done? I'm thinking it would be a SSO type of set up.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    there is a preliminary support for Google authentication in the latest build. Preliminary meaning that the UI for the required parameters is not done yet.

    To try it out, run the updater and take a look at the Readme.txt in mydbr/lib/sso/google.

    myDBR Team

  3. jcushman, Member


    Is there any documentation now that this is included with version 4.8.0 (I'm on build 3220). I've messed with it for about an hour without any luck, so hoping you might have something that would help walk me through it?



  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    documentaiton has been updated:

    The SSO's Google authentication allows authentication using Google login. Assuming your myDBR install location is https://yourserver/mydbr, to enable goole login do following:

    1. Choose Google login in myDBR → Admin Tools → Environment settings → Single Sign-On settings
    2. Create a Google API Console project and client ID
    3. Copy the Client ID and Client secret to respective fields in myDBR → Admin Tools → Environment settings → Single Sign-On settings → Google
    4. Define a "Authorized redirect URIs" which will be a URL to https://yourserver/mydbr/lib/sso/google/
    5. In myDBR set the SSO Server URL to be: https://yourserver/mydbr/lib/sso/google/index.php
    6. Wait for a moment to let Google setup to be effective and login using Google login

    myDBR Team

  5. larsen161, Member

    Is there support for using Google built in custom SAML feature?

    As seen here

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    no support for SAML at the moment.

    myDBR Team


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