I'm having trouble with implementation these two functions together. I have a column in my result set that is used in a calculation, but that I don't wish to display. It is the total for a percentage calculation. If the column is unhidden, the dbr.summary.calc function works fine. When I hide the column, I get garbage in the summary calc column.
Here is the effective code for my calculation
select 'dbr.hidecolumns',1;
select 'dbr.summary.calc',4,'C3/C5*100'
select 'dbr.crosstab', 2;
select 'dbr.summarytxt',1,'Total';
select 'dbr.colstyle', 4, '%.2f%%';
select 'dbr.sum',3,4;
select d.PROGRAM, d.YEAR as 'Year', count(d.ID) as 'Count', null as '%', '15000' AS 'Total for Percentage' from <DATABASE> d group by d.PROGRAM, d.YEAR ORDER BY d.YEAR
and the rendering
commenting out the top line gives you the second result where the precentage and totals are correct, but unhides the column.
The Total is actually dynamic in each year and the reason I need to implement the solution this way. I have found a way to generate that Total column, but by inserting a constant in this example I've isolated that the calculation of the dynamic total is not a part of the problem.
The version is myDBR 2.7.2 (build 1058)
Any ideas about what might be causing this?