
(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. In an install or upgrade there seems to be a # missing in the call to the temporary file on line 565. It has caused me errors on the last several versions and to solve it previously I commented out that section from lines 560 to 566. Today I took a harder look at that section and saw the problem. When I changed:

    565: from mydbr_languages


    565: from #mydbr_languages

    the script completed for the first time since I did the initial install a few weeks ago.

  2. Well as I still don't have alternate language selections in the environment section, maybe that wasn't the right fix. Also tried #mydbr_languages_tmp....that didn't work either.

    But at least the script now runs to completion and the site is functional after upgrade.

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Grab the newly released myDBR 2.8. It has a fix for the mydbr_languages for SQL Server

    myDBR Team

  4. Yeah that's why I wrote about what I had still does not work for me under 2.8. My version is listed now as 2.8, but to get there I had to manipulate the mydbr_create_mssql.sql file. The creation date for the file in the install directory is April, 18th, 2010. When I change this file and rerun the install, it runs to completion without the following:

    Checking database connection OK
    Database myDBR_Data connection tested successfully.
    Checking database version OK
    Found Microsoft SQL Server version: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (Intel X86)
    Checking if database exists OK
    Database myDBR_Data existence verified successfully.
    Checking if myDBR reporting objects exist ToDo
    Encountered an error during sql-script execution. Fix the error and press retry.

    The statement has been terminated.
    insert into mydbr_languages (lang_locale, language, date_format, time_format, thousand_separator, decimal_separator)
    select lang_locale, language, date_format, time_format, thousand_separator, decimal_separator
    from #mydbr_languages_tmp
    where lang_locale not in (
    select lang_locale
    from mydbr_languages

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    It means that in your case you have a table created from old script with columns that do not allow nulls. You can fix it by executing follwing commands in mydbr-database :

    ALTER TABLE mydbr_languages ALTER COLUMN date_format varchar(10) null
    ALTER TABLE mydbr_languages ALTER COLUMN time_format varchar(10) null
    ALTER TABLE mydbr_languages ALTER COLUMN thousand_separator varchar(2) null
    ALTER TABLE mydbr_languages ALTER COLUMN decimal_separator varchar(2) null

    We'll change the installer script to take care of this. Sorry for the extra work caused by this.

    myDBR Team

  6. thanks! worked perfectly!


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