I can't figure out the last example, i think it is because i don't understand select 'dbr.org.target'. When i take remove it i get a basic org chart. I had to guess on how this data was supposed to look as i couldn't find an example so i must be providing the wrong information.
This is my sp
select 'dbr.title', 'Target browser'; select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_organization_set_node_position', 'action_div[]', 'in_id=id', 'in_pos="l"', '"Position left"'; select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_organization_set_node_position', 'action_div[]', 'in_id=id', 'in_pos="r"', '"Position right"'; select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_organization_set_node_position', 'action_div[]', 'in_id=id', 'in_pos="u"', '"Position under"'; select 'dbr.org.chart';#, '{boxWidth:180}';
select 'dbr.org.target', tbl_endpoint_id , weight, null, color, txt from test.tbl_endpoint_data;
select id, parent, test.fn_org_node_position( id, parent ), concat('<b>', name, '</b>', char(10), location, char(10) ) /* Last linefeed makes room for the targets */ from test.tbl_endpoint where id < 3 order by id;
This is my output with &export=sql
select 'dbr.title', 'Target browser';
select 'dbr.org.chart'; select 'dbr.org.target', 1, '0', null, '#FF7A00', 'this is the text' union all select 'dbr.org.target', 2, '2', null, '#FF7A00', '<b>3</b> other text';
select 1 as 'id', 0 as 'parent', 'u' as 'test.fn_org_node_position( id, parent )', '<b>location 2</b> more text ' as 'concat(\'<b>\', name, \'</b>\', char(10), location, char(10) )' union all select 2, 0, '0', '<b>loc 3</b> more text ';