Allow multiple login options

(7 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. maron, Member


    Been playing around a bit with Google authentication - it works well, however I can only enable Google or local authentication.

    I realize I can add &local=true - but would be preferable if I could have both local authentication and google authentication.

    Also, I don't seem to be able to make a google authenticated user an admin, would it be possible to allow this?

    Best regards,


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    there is one default login method (so that myDBR knows which one to try. To use alternative login (local) you add the &local=1 to the URL. We could add an optional option to the Google login page to allow direct link to local login.

    For now there is no UI to the set Google user as an admin user, but you can set the admin=1 to the chosen user in myDBR user table.

    myDBR Team

  3. maron, Member


    That option would be great for us, as not all our users have Google.

    Will sort the admin out via DB.

    Best regards,

  4. maron, Member

    Just noticed also that the OEM appearance overrides do not work for the Google authentication login screen.

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Google login screen now adheres the OEM appearance. You can also add the myDBR local login option by adding:

    $mydbr_defaults['single_sign_on']['google']['show_local_login'] = true;

    into the user/defaults.php

    myDBR Team

  6. maron, Member

    Excellent - thanks - can confirm this works well.

    Would it be possible that the user/oem/login_bg.html file would be processed on this screen also - or a separate one for the google login screen something like user/oem/google_login_bg.html

    Best regards,


  7. myDBR Team, Key Master

    we added one into the latest build.

    myDBR Team


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