Google SSO and SSO secret token

(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. larsen161, Member

    There is the SSO secret token filed but not mentioned in the setup for Google. Can this then be left blank and it only applies to a custom SSO setup perhaps?

  2. larsen161, Member

    I have setup the following way but get the error "Missing Google SSO configuration. See myDBR Environmental Settings" when trying login.



  3. larsen161, Member got past the error by having values for the URL hash seed and SSO secret token.

    Now I have the following issues.

    Any Google user can login. There's no info on how to restrict this to users already in myDBR or just our domain name.

    When the user signs in with Google, even if they have an account with a login and email matching their Google credentials, an SSO user gets generated with a username of just numbers 21 in length.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    if you run the automatic updater, you can you restrict sign-in to accounts at the domain you specify in the Hosted domain-setting.

    The different login method users are treated as separate users. As for Google login, the username is the Google's unique ID for the user.

    myDBR Team

  5. larsen161, Member

    Great, did the update to get hosted domain setting. Does this support multiple domains via comma separated list by chance?

    [UPDATE] It does support comma separated list.

    It seems that when the user is provisioned and clicking on the magnifying glass to set the groups they have access to this is not possible. How do the group permissions get assigned now?

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Run the update again to enable group editing for SSO users.

    We've added real support for comma separated domains (OEM-version feature). Also, the domain restriction is now more secure.

    myDBR Team


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