Problem upgrading

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. monsieura, Member


    Just bought a full licence after trying with the community. The license is for 2.8 and wont run my current 2.6 version without an upgrade.

    Trouble is, when I hit the upgrade I get one of the ubiquitous Server 500 errors.

    Any ideas what to check?



  2. monsieura, Member

    Just to add that the server environment is Windows 2008 with IIS. Database is MySQL

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The best solution would be to solve the cause of the Server 500 error. This would allow you to use the automatic update feature also in the future. If your server dies right after you've clicked the "Update now..."-button (before you are presented the new release info window "Welcome to the update wizard") the server most likely dies on when it is trying to access

    Few things that could cause the Server 500 error:
    - Make sure your server has access to
    - Do you have php_curl installed. If not, please enable it. It gives myDBR bit more flexibility when doing the update.
    - Try to disable open_basedir if you have it enabled.
    - See IIS / PHP error logs for more info about the error

    The second option is to download the 2.8 manually, save the mydbr_config.php and mydbr/user directories and replace everything else with the new release. myDBR will update the database to 2.8 when it it started.

    As said, the first option is the recommended one since it will save you lot of time in future.

    myDBR Team


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