How can i break the execution of my report

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. kdekkers, Member

    How can i break the execution of my report in case the report go's into a endless loop or in general ?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If this happens, you need to kill the process from the database. Depending on the database you are using you can use:

    mysql> kill processnumber
    where processnumber can be found from Id column command "show processlist"

    SQL Server (SQL Server Management Studio):
    Activity Monitor -> Processes -> Kill Process

    SQL Server and Sybase (command line):
    mysql> kill spid
    where spid can be found from procedure "sp_who" or "sp_who2"

    myDBR Team

  3. kdekkers, Member

    Ok thank you
    Sadly i don't have access to the database

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Are you developing a report where your query is in endless loop or an end user running an existing report?

    If former, you can try to get another connection to the database with another browser window / browser and issue the commands from there. If latter, then contact your admin (or wait for the database to kill the query by itself).

    myDBR Team


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