Incorrect linked report target [Help]

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. eugfri, Member


    I have upgraded last night to the latest 5.0.5 version and now on one of my reports I am getting error:

    Incorrect linked report target [Help]

    Its pretty complex report and with all previous version updates I never had a problem with it.
    Could you please advise what this can be related to?

    This is quite urgent so your prompt response is really appreciated.

    Thank you!


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    please run the report with SQL export and open a support ticket with the code attached.

    myDBR Team

  3. eugfri, Member

    I was able to resolve the issue myself.

    I had this in my stored proc (MySQL):

    SELECT 'dbr.button', 'Help'; SELECT '', 'sp_DBR_HelpLegend', 'popup[Help]', 'inScreenName="PartsMain"'; SELECT vScreenName;

    where vScreenName has been defined above in the code.

    The fixed code looks like this:

    SELECT 'dbr.button', 'Help'; SELECT '', 'sp_DBR_HelpLegend', 'popup', 'inScreenName="PartsMain"'; SELECT vScreenName;

    That was all.

    Thank you

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the "'popup[Help]'" syntax would be a valid syntax for creating separate popup's for each of the 'Help' ColumnReference. myDBR is putting up the notice as your result set does not include that.

    myDBR Team


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