Moving Reports

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  1. jcushman, Member


    I am in the process of moving/deleting a lot of reports. We've been using myDBR for a while and we need to reorganize the homepage. Two questions:

    1. Is there a better way to mass move reports? If I have to drag and drop each one, I feel this will take quite a while.
    2. If I delete a report, does the stored proc stay in the database (MSSQL) and is just removed from the the reporting screen, or is it deleted as well.



  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There is no mass move capability in the UI, but if you like, you can update the mydbr_reports-table directly.

    When you delete the report from UI, the report definition is deleted, but the stored proc does stay in the database. It will show up again in the 'New report' suggestion. You can delete the procdure from there if you are compleletely done with the report in question.

    myDBR Team

  3. jcushman, Member

    Oh, thats great. I just looked @ mydbr_reports and that will work perfectly. Thanks for your help.


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