myDBR layout

(2 posts) (2 voices)


  1. sbfowler23, Member

    Hi all,

    I am using myDBR to generate a list of items from our hire database as a sort of 'picking list'. We hire sound equipment and will have a display in each room with a list of allocated equipment for the job that is being built. I am currently using two tables to get the look that I like, with a table at the top showing the Contract Number, name and date of departure for each job, and a second table with the list of equipment.

    For purely cosmetic reasons, I would like to get rid of the white space between the two tables as it would allow me to get more line items on to the bottom of each page. This doesn't matter all that much as the report pages through, however it feels like a bit of wasted real estate.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Photo below to explain more clearly my ramblings.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Depends a bit how the top part is constructed. Most likely you modify the ".rstable" class which has, by default, definition "margin-bottom: 2em;". To remove the margin altogether, use:

    select 'dbr.css', '.rstable {margin-bottom: 0}';

    You can always use browser's debugger window to examine the used CSS, which you can then override if you want.

    myDBR Team


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