Output SQL In Report w/ Special Formatting

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. davidsona, Blocked

    I want to show the definition of some store procedures as report output. I have the reports written, and they output fine, but they are fairly unreadable b/c line breaks, tabs, etc are removed by myDBR. I know this is possible, though, b/c I see it in your demo here: http://mydbr.com/demo/mydbr/report.php?r=3&p1=sp_DBR_capital_enter%2Csp_DBR_capital_pick&m=1&h=6e4b168cd875e671bd325519af1a72883233e72c

    How do i do this? I tried encapsulating my output (within the SP that provides it) in a div and pre class "brush: sql", but that didn't work. Do I need to do it in the myDBRsp? If so, do I need to use a special tag to tell myDBR that I'm about to specific a special formatting option?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Showing report code is actually an extension in myDBR. Install the demo reports and see how it works. Full code and examples is included.

    myDBR Team

  3. davidsona, Blocked

    OK, thanks, will do.


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