Ok downloaded new version for PHP 7.1. Got a little further now this error.
Checking if myDBR reporting objects exist ToDo
Running script failed with error
MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'admin=1; if (vCnt=0) then INSERT IGNORE INTO `mydbr_userlogin` ( user, passwo' at line 308
declare vCnt int;
select count(*) into vCnt
from mydbr_snippets;
if (vCnt=0) then
insert into mydbr_snippets (name, code, shortcut, cright, cdown)
('select-clause', 'select \nfrom \nwhere ', 'Ctrl-Alt-S', 7, 0),
('if-clause', 'if () then\nend if;', 'Ctrl-I', 4, 0),
('if-else-clause', 'if () then\nelse\nend if;', 'Ctrl-Alt-I', 4, 0),
('while-clause', 'while () do\nend while;', 'Ctrl-Alt-W', 7, 0),
('create procedure', 'create procedure sp_DBR_()\nbegin\n\nend', 'Ctrl-P', 24, 0),
('create function', 'create function fn_() \nreturns varchar(255)\ndeterministic\nbegin\n\ndeclare v_ret varchar(255);\n\nreturn v_ret;\n\nend\n', '', 19,0),
('cursor', 'declare done int default 0;\n\ndeclare c_cursor cursor for\n select \n from \n where \ndeclare continue handler for not found set done = 1;\n\nopen c_cursor;\nrepeat\n fetch c_cursor into ;\n if not done then\n end if;\nuntil done end repeat;\n\nclose c_cursor;', '', 9, 3),
('case when', 'case \n when then \n when then \n else \nend case', '', 5, 0);
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_param_queries' and column_name='options';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_param_queries add options varchar(255) null;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"scroll":true,"find":true}' where coltype=5;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"scroll":true}' where coltype=6;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"find":true}' where coltype=7;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"collapse":true}' where coltype=8;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"scroll":true,"find":true,"collapse":true}' where coltype=9;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"scroll":true,"collapse":true}' where coltype=10;
update mydbr_param_queries set coltype=4, options = '{"find":true,"collapse":true}' where coltype=11;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_templates' and column_name='row';
if (vCnt>0) then
alter table mydbr_templates change `row` rowdata text null;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_param_queries' and column_name='name';
if (vCnt!=50) then
alter table mydbr_param_queries modify column name varchar(50) not null;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='password';
if (vCnt!=255) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin modify column password varchar(255) null;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='title';
if (vCnt!=255) then
alter table mydbr_params modify column title varchar(255) null;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='query_name';
if (vCnt!=50) then
alter table mydbr_params modify column query_name varchar(50) null;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='default_value';
if (vCnt!=50) then
alter table mydbr_params modify column default_value varchar(50) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_folders' and column_name='explanation';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_folders add explanation varchar(4096) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_folders' and column_name='reportgroup';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_folders add reportgroup int not null default 1;
alter table mydbr_folders add FOREIGN KEY (reportgroup) REFERENCES mydbr_reportgroups (id);
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_folders' and column_name='explanation';
if (vCnt!=4096) then
alter table mydbr_folders modify column explanation varchar(4096) null;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='explanation';
if (vCnt!=4096) then
alter table mydbr_reports modify column explanation varchar(4096) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='authentication';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add authentication int not null default 2;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='ask_pw_change';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add ask_pw_change int not null default 0;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='reportgroup';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add reportgroup int not null default 1;
alter table mydbr_reports add FOREIGN KEY (reportgroup) REFERENCES mydbr_reportgroups (id);
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='sortorder';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add sortorder int null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='runreport';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add runreport varchar(50) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='autoexecute';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add autoexecute tinyint null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='parameter_help';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add parameter_help varchar(10000) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_reports' and column_name='export';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_reports add export varchar(10) null;
end if;
update mydbr_folders set name='#{MYDBR_AMAIN_HOME}' where folder_id=1;
ALTER TABLE mydbr_userlogin MODIFY COLUMN `user` varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_reports_priv MODIFY COLUMN username varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_statistics MODIFY COLUMN username varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_groupsusers MODIFY COLUMN `user` varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_log MODIFY COLUMN `user` varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_options MODIFY COLUMN `user` varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_param_queries MODIFY COLUMN `query` varchar(4096);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_reports MODIFY COLUMN `parameter_help` varchar(10000);
ALTER TABLE mydbr_statistics MODIFY COLUMN `query` text;
ALTER TABLE mydbr_options MODIFY COLUMN `value` varchar(512) not null;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_statistics' and column_name='authentication';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_statistics add authentication int not null default 2;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_statistics' and column_name='ip_address';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_statistics add ip_address varchar(255) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_statistics' and column_name='user_agent_hash';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_statistics add user_agent_hash varchar(50) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin';
if (vCnt<2) then
ALTER TABLE mydbr_userlogin add primary key (`user`, `authentication`);
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='optional';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_params add optional int not null default 0;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='only_default';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_params add only_default int not null default 0;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='suffix';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_params add suffix varchar(255) default NULL;
end if;
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='suffix';
if (vCnt!=255) then
alter table mydbr_params modify column suffix varchar(255) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_params' and column_name='options';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_params add options varchar(1024) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='passworddate';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add passworddate datetime null;
update mydbr_userlogin set passworddate = now();
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='email';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add email varchar(100) NULL;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_userlogin' and column_name='telephone';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_userlogin add telephone varchar(100) NULL;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from mydbr_userlogin
where admin=1;
if (vCnt=0) then
INSERT IGNORE INTO `mydbr_userlogin` ( user, password, name, admin, passworddate, email, authentication, telephone)
VALUES ('dba',md5('dba'),'myDBR Administrator',1, now(), null, 2, null);
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_licenses' and column_name='type';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_licenses add `type` varchar(255) default null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_licenses' and column_name='version';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_licenses add `version` varchar(255) default null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_languages' and column_name='date_format';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_languages add `date_format` varchar(10) null;
alter table mydbr_languages add `time_format` varchar(10) null;
alter table mydbr_languages add `thousand_separator` varchar(2) null;
alter table mydbr_languages add `decimal_separator` varchar(2) null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from mydbr_folders_priv;
if (vCnt=0) then
insert into mydbr_folders_priv
select folder_id, 'PUBLIC', 0, 0
from mydbr_folders
where invisible = 0;
/* We'll take invisible out of use */
update mydbr_folders
set invisible = 2
where invisible = 0;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from mydbr_template_folders;
if (vCnt=0) then
insert into mydbr_template_folders ( name, parent_id )
values ('Main', null );
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_templates' and column_name='folder_id';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_templates add folder_id int null;
update mydbr_templates set folder_id = 1;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_templates' and column_name='creation_date';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_templates add creation_date datetime null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_localization' and column_name='creation_date';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_localization add creation_date datetime null;
end if;
select count(*) into vCnt
from information_schema.columns
where table_schema=database() and table_name='mydbr_sync_exclude' and column_name='type';
if (vCnt=0) then
alter table mydbr_sync_exclude add type varchar(20) null;
end if;
/* 4.0 -> 4.2.1 user belonging to bogus 0 group */
delete from mydbr_groupsusers where group_id = 0;