// myDBR defaults
// If you want to change the default values, override them in /user/defaults.php as this file will be overridden in updates
$mydbr_defaults = array (
'chart' => array (
'sizeX' => 600,
'sizeY' => 350,
'size_mobile' => array( 'x' => 430, 'y' => 270),
'title_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'title_font' => 'arialbd.ttf', // ImageChart
'font' => null, // Set this to override chart font
'font_size' => null, // Set this to override chart font sizes
'title_font_size' => 11, // ImageChart
'base_font_size' => 10, // Flash Chart
'x_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'x2_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'y_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'y2_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'z_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'x_axis_color' => 0xB2C5D8, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'x2_axis_color' => 0xB2C5D8, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'y_axis_color' => 0xFFFF0000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'z_axis_color' => 0xB2C5D8, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'axis_font' => 'arial.ttf', // ImageChart
'axis_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
'axis_label_font' => 'arialbd.ttf', // ImageChart
'axis_label_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
'axis_label_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart
'label_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'label_color.data' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'label_font' => 'arial.ttf', // ImageChart
'label_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
'legend_default_position' => 'right',
'legend_default_style' => array(
'background_color' => 0xFFFFFFFF,
'edge_color' => NULL,
'rounded_border' => array(
'TL' => 5,
'TR' => 5,
'BL' => 5,
'BR' => 5
'chart_extra_width_with_legend_on_side' => 100,
'legend_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
'legend_font' => 'arial.ttf', // ImageChart
'legend_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
'legend_font_color' => 9, // ImageChart
'background_color' => 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x00FFFFFF,
'edge_color' => 0xFF000000,
'plot_edge_color' => 0xFFFF0000,
'raised_effect' => 0,
'padding_top' => 0,
'grid_color_horizontal' => 0xD7D7D7,
'grid_color_vertical' => 0xFF000000,
'colors' => array(
'bargap' => array('col' => 0.2, 'mscol' => 0.5 ),
'subbargap' => -1.69e-100, /* TouchBar */
'alternate_color' => array('0xFFFFFF', '0xFFFFFF', '0xc0c0c0', '0xc0c0c0'),
'polar_radar'=> array( 'xSize' => 500, 'grid_color' => array(0x80000000, 1, 0xc0000000, 1) ),
'line' => array(
'x_axis_tick_middle' => 1,
'x_axis_margin' => 20,
'meter' => array(
'size' => 240,
'inner' => 0xF4F4F4,
'outer' => 0x736F6E,
'outer2' => 0xD5D5D5,
'green' => 0x6666ff66,
'yellow' => 0x66ffff33,
'red' => 0x66ff6666,
'title' => array( 'font' => 'arialbd.ttf'),
'text' => array( 'font' => 'ariali.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color' => 0x000000),
'label' => array( 'font' => 'ariali.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color' => 0x000000),
'pointer' => array( 'color'=> 0xB82313),
'color' => array(
'type' => 'gradient',
'gradient' => array(
array(0, 0x6666ff),
array(25, 0x00bbbb),
array(50, 0x00ff00),
array(75, 0xffff00),
array(100, 0xff0000),
'step' => array(
array(0, null),
array(33, 0x6666ff66),
array(66, 0x66ffff33),
array(100, 0x66ff6666),
'zones' => array(
array(0, 33, 0x4000FF00),
array(33, 66, 0x40FFFF00),
array(66, 100, 0x40FF0000),
'theme' => array(
'black' => array(
'background' => 0x000000,
'label-color' => 0xffffff,
'border' => 0x888888,
'ring1' => 0x707070, // Meter chart ring second to outer
'ring2' => 0xA0A0A0, // Meter chart outer ring
'ring3' => 0x222222, // inner for second ring
'title-color' => 0x000000,
'text-color' => 0xffffff,
'tick-color' => 0xffffff,
'pointer-color' => 0xB82313,
'linearmeter-pointer-color' => 0xAAAAAA,
'rectangular-border' => 0x9fcccccc,
'rectangular-bottom' => 0x9f777777,
'glare' => array('meter', 'semicircle', 'rectangularmeter')
'white' => array(
'background' => 0xffffff,
'label-color' => 0x444444,
'border' => 0xffffff,
'ring1' => 0xD5D5D5,
'ring2' => 0xA0A0A0, //0x736F6E
'ring3' => 0xCCCCCC, // inner for second ring
'title-color' => 0x000000,
'text-color' => 0x000000,
'tick-color' => 0x000000,
'pointer-color' => 0xB82313,
'linearmeter-pointer-color' => 0x808080,
'rectangular-border' => 0x9fcccccc,
'rectangular-bottom' => 0x9fcccccc,
'glare' => array()
'default' => array(
'background' => 0xeeeeee,
'label-color' => 0x000000,
'border' => 0xcccccc,
'ring1' => 0xD5D5D5,
'ring2' => 0x736F6E,
'ring3' => 0xCCCCCC, // inner for second ring
'title-color' => 0x000000,
'text-color' => 0x000000,
'tick-color' => 0x000000,
'pointer-color' => 0xB82313,
'linearmeter-pointer-color' => 0x808080,
'rectangular-border' => 0x9fcccccc,
'rectangular-bottom' => 0x9fcccccc,
'glare' => array()
'semicircle' => array( 'size' => 350 ),
'rectangularmeter' => array(
'size' => 350
'donutpercent' => array(
'size' => 250,
'color2' => 0xC2C3C2,
'font' => array(
'name' => 'arial.ttf',
'color' => 0x444444 ,
'orientation' => -1,
'scale' => 6.25
'softlightning' => true, // For column and bar charts toggles the softlightning effect
BottomLeft = 1
BottomCenter = 2
BottomRight = 3
Left = 4
Center = 5
Right = 6
TopLeft = 7
TopCenter = 8
TopRight = 9
Top = TopCenter
Bottom = BottomCenter
TopLeft2 = 10
TopRight2 = 11
BottomLeft2 = 12
BottomRight2 = 13
'softlightning_direction' => array(
'column' => 4, // Left
'column3d' => 4,
'bar' => 8, // TopCenter
'stackedbar' => 8,
'stackedcolumn' => 4,
'bar3d' => 8,
'stackedbar3d' => 8,
'stackedcolumn3d' => 4,
'msbar' => 8,
'mscolumn' => 4,
'mscolumn3d' => 4,
'percentbar' => 8,
'percentcolumn' => 4,
'always_use_link_menu' => false, // Whether single linked report shows menu or follows link
'default_marker' => 16, // GlassSphere2Shape
'marker_size' => 10, // Marker size for scatter chart
'marker_edge' => -1, // Marker edge color (-1=linecolor)
'autoscale' => array('top'=>0.1, 'bottom'=>0.1, 'zeroaffinity'=>0.5),
'embed_image' => false,
'pie_label_format' => '$c->setLabelLayout("SideLayout",-1, 10);$c->setLabelStyle()->setBackground(Transparent, -1, 0);',
'line_width' => 3,
'width_per_item' => 110,
'width_extra' => 80,
'height_per_item' => 60,
'height_extra' => 37,
'gantt' => array(
'baseline_pattern' => array('color' => 0xe0e0e0, 'border' => 0x808080, 'height' => 8),
'baseline_text' => 'Baseline',
'start_of_month_format' => '<*font=arialbd.ttf*>{value|mmm d}',
'start_of_day_format' => '-{value|d}',
'start_of_hour_format' => '-{value|hh}',
'scale' => 7,
'single_label' => 0
'meters' => array(
'font' => 'ariali.ttf',
'linearmeter' => array(
'size' => array(300, 60),
'height' => 20,
'label' => array( 'font' => 'arial.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color'=> 0x00000000),
'text' => array( 'font' => 'arial.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color'=> 0x00000000),
'pointer' => array( 'color'=> 0x808080),
'type' => 'gradient',
'zones' => array(
array('from' => 0, 'to' => 33, 'color' => 0x4000FF00),
array('from' => 33, 'to' => 66, 'color' => 0x40FFFF00),
array('from' => 66, 'to' => 100, 'color' => 0x40FF0000),
'fix_y_axis' => array('yaxis_margin_right' => 8),
'boxwhisker' => array( 'fill_color' => 0x3F90F4, 'whisker_color' => 0x3644CC, 'edge_color' => 0xCCCCCC),
'floatingbox' => array( 'edge_color' => 0x444444),
'skip_null_values' => true,
'radar_transparency' => 30,
'bubble' => array( 'transparency' => 10, 'edge_color' => 0xCCCCCC ),
'fix_apple_browser_gradient_svg_bug' => 'png', // png = use png instead, step = use step, none = bug fixed
'session_cache_clear' => 180, // How long the chart is kept in session in seconds
'target' => array(
'width' => 2,
'gap' => 0.1
'area' => array(
'line' => array(
'color' => null,
'width' => 2
'opacity' => 50, // Percentage
'scatter3d' => array(
'view_angle' => array(array( 30, 45 )),
'wall_color' => array(array( '0xF8F8F8', '0xF8F8F8', '0xF8F8F8', '0x888888' )),
'drop_line_color' => '0x888888'
'pager' => 20, // Default pager page size in rows
'automatic_parameters' => array(
'username' => 'inLogin', // Automatic report parameter containing the username
'ip_address' => 'inIPAddress', // Users IP address
'locale' => 'inLocale', // locale used in reports
'user_agent' => 'inUseragent', // locale used in reports
'autoexecute' => 'inAutoexecute', // Automatically executes the report if parameters are ok
'referer' => 'inHTTP_REFERER', // HTTP_REFERER
'export_format' => 'inExportFormat', // export=sql
'report_url' => 'inAutoReportURL', // Report URL
'theme' => 'inAutoTheme',
'session_id' => 'inSessionIDHash',
'import_filename' => 'inImportFilename',
'version_build' => 'inVersionBuild',
// 'sso_extra1' => 'in_SSO_OrganizationID', // optional extra SSO parameters
'automatic_parameter_defaults' => array(), // Define extra-parameter values for local users, allows simulating sso_exrta
'automatic_parameter_not_for_admin' => array(), // Define automatic-parameters which are not automatic-parameters for admin
'parameters' => array(
'name_suffix' => ':',
'empty_numeric_results_null' => false,
'empty_string_results_null' => false,
'max_sso_extra_parameters' => 5,
'allow_post_parameters' => false,
'daterange_optional' => false,
'GET_param_query' => false,
'clean_tags_from_user_input' => true
'missing_parameter_style' => 'color: red;',
'password' => array( 'expiration' => 30, 'length' => 8),
'autocomplete_max_rows' => 20,
'header_logo_cell' => 'width: 120px; padding: 1px;',
'category_colors' => array('00C322','FF7A00','D2006B','0066CC','CC6600', 'A300C3', 'C30061', 'C38500'), // Report category default colors
'search' => false, // Display search + export by default
'user_prefs_formatting' => true, // Allow user to have own preferences
'prefs' => array(
'allow_user_info_change' => true
'proxy' => array(), // for optional proxy parameters
'baselanguage' => 'en_US',
'translate_window' => array('width' => 500, 'heigth' => 600),
'db_connection' => array(
'translate_db_locale' => true, // Determines if locale is used in database operations
'mysql_init' => array(),
'sybase_init' => '',
'sqlanywhere_init' => '',
'show_verbose_error_messages_to_all_users' => false,
'databases' => array(), /* If SQL Editor opens up too slowly due to slow "show databases"-command in MySQL, define the databases here */
'pooled_connections' => true, /* Connections are pooled, will improve with servers that have slow connections */
'fix_sqlsrv_field_metadata' => false,
'linked_report' => array(
'autoexecute_when_only_optional' => false,
'strip_dbr_html_tags_from_links' => true,
'active_directory_mydbr_groups' => 'myDBR Groups',
'active_directory_mydbr_admin_group' => 'myDBR Admins',
'active_directory_sync_users' => array(),
'active_directory_synconly_users' => array(),
'active_directory_recursive_user_groups' => true,
'active_directory' => array(
'options' => array()
'updater_users' => array('mydbr_updater'), // Usernames which can use HTTP basic access authentication to call myDBR update URL
'license_users' => array('license_checker'), // Usernames which can use HTTP basic access authentication to call myDBR license server URL
'license_server' => array(
'is_server' => false, // Will respond to license update queries
'server_url' => null, // Define license server URL
'custom_server' => false, // Use your own license server code
'username' => 'license_checker', // Can override script's username
'password' => null, // Can override script's password
'host' => null, // Can override current username
'timeout' => 20, // Call timeout
'use_proxy_if_defined' => true, // Use proxy if defined
'query_builder_widths' => array('db' => 194, 'table' => 194, 'column' => 373, 'selected' => 454),
'graphviz_dpi' => 96,
'graphviz' => array( 'command_path' => null),
'summary_row' => array(
'aggregate_null' => '',
'hide_prefix_when_empty' => true
'export' => array(
'export_choises' => array('Excel', 'PDF', 'CSV', 'SQL'),
'colwidth_css' => 6.01,
'excel' => array(
'storage' => array(
'cache_storage' => 'memory', // memory / cache_to_phpTemp / cache_in_memory_serialized / cache_in_memory_gzip / cache_to_apc
'cache_settings' => array(
'cache_to_phpTemp' => array( 'memoryCacheSize' => '10kb' ),
'cache_to_apc' => array( 'cacheTime' => 600 ),
'cache_to_memcache' => array( 'memcacheServer' => 'localhost',
'memcachePort' => 11211,
'cacheTime' => 600
'cache_to_wincache' => array( 'cacheTime' => 600 ),
'type' => 'xlsx', // xls or xlsx as a default output format
'line_height' => 12.75,
'font_width' => 8.3,
'include_image' => true,
'utf8_replace' => array(),
'evaluate_formulas' => false,
'aggregate_formula' => true,
'user_styles' => array(),
'style' => array(
'header' => array(
'border'=> array(
'style' => 'thin',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
'header_top' => array(
'borders'=> array(
'top' => array(
'style' => 'medium',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
'header_basic' => array(
'borders'=> array(
'top' => array(
'style' => 'medium',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
'bottom' => array(
'style' => 'thin',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
'title' => array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true ) ),
'subtitle' => array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true ) ),
'tabtitle' => array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true ) ),
'subtotal' => array(
'font' => array( 'italic' => true ),
'fill' => array(
'type' => 'solid',
'color' => array('rgb' => 'F0F0F0'),
'borders'=> array(
'top' => array(
'style' => 'thin',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => '0091A5' )
'bottom' => array(
'style' => 'thin',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => '0091A5' )
'footer' => array(
'font' => array( 'italic' => true ),
'borders' => array(
'top' => array(
'style' => 'thin',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'AAAAAA' )
'bottom' => array(
'style' => 'medium',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => '0091A5' )
'pageview' => array(
'fill' => array(
'type' => 'solid',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'E0E0E0' )
'comment' => array(
'fill' => array(
'type' => 'solid',
'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'FFFFCC' )
'cell' => '', // Performance issues with PHPExcel, use only if needed
'csv' => array(
'delimiter' => ',',
'decimal_point' => '.',
'enclosure' => '"',
'date_format' => 'Y-m-d', // See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
'time_format' => 'H:i:s',
'charset' => 'utf-8', // utf-8, ISO-8859-1
'line_ending' => "\n",
'header' => true, // Output the resultset header?
'enclose_string_with_leading_or_trailing_space' => true,
'enclose_always' => false,
'linefeed_between_resultsets' => true,
'use_BOM_in_UTF' => true,
'direct_mode' => false,
'skip_formatting' => false
'pdf' => array(
'font' => 'Arial',
'font_size' => 9,
'font_width' => 8.5, // Arial 10 default width. Increase this if your PDF output produces columns too narrow
'column_width_divider' => 5.941,
'logo' => '', // in user/images
'logo_width' => 40,
'image_scale' => 1.25,
'export_as_png' => true
'wkhtmltopdf' => array(
'command' => 'wkhtmltopdf',
'command_check' => null, /* If you override the command with your own script */
'use_as_default' => true,
'tmp_directory' => null,
'clean_tmp_file_in_case_of_error' => true,
'show_failed_command_to_all' => false,
'remind_missing' => true,
'options' => array(
'margin-top' => '--margin-top "20"',
'header-spacing' => '--header-spacing "8"'
'svg_modifications' => array(
'chartdirector' => array(
array('from' => '/stroke-opacity/', 'to' => 'opacity' ),
'graphviz' => array(
array('from' => '/<\?xml.*\<svg/s', 'to' => '<svg' )
'ie_content_disposition' => 'inline',
'json' => array(
'force_object' => false
'sql' => array(
'is_admin_only' => true
'xml' => array('compatibility_mode' => false),
'use_PCLZIP' => false,
'new_window' => false,
'favourites_enabled' => true,
'mainview' => array(
'favourites_enabled' => true,
'show_edit' => true,
'show_code' => true,
'show_delete' => true,
'toggle' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'default_state' => 'open',
'default_state_favourites' => 'open'
'toggle_mobile' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'default_state' => 'closed',
'default_state_favourites' => 'open'
'dashboard_on_all_folders' => true,
'pdf_open_in_new_window' => false,
'open_in_new_window' => array() // Report ID's
'sql_editor' => array(
'show_query_builder_when_new' => false,
'lines_when_to_use_dashes_in_comment' => 4,
'max_saved' => array('proc' => 10, 'cmd' => 10 ),
'autocomplete_mydbr' => true,
'autocomplete_db' => array(),
'file_manager' => array(
'chmod' => 0644
'ioncube_loader' => array(
'recommended_version' => '10.0.0'
'param_inline_pairs' => array( 'inStartDate' => 'inEndDate', 'dtFrom' => 'dtTo'),
'notifications' => array( // if missing features are reminded of
'chartdirector_missing' => 1,
'chartdirector_not_default' => 1,
'wkhtml_missing' => 1,
'new_version_is_for_admin_only' => false,
'php_version_is_for_admin_only' => true,
'ioncube_loader' => true
'error_reporting' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED,
'logout' => array(
'url_redirect' => null,
'url' => 'thankyou.html',
'link_text' => '#{MYDBR_AMAIN_LOGOUT}',
'allowed_redirect_urls_in_url_parameter' => array('')
'google_maps_api_key_use_in_geocode' => false,
'google_maps_api_key' => '',
'google_maps_business' => array('client_id' => null, 'private_key' => null),
'cookie' => array(
'host' => null,
'secure_only' => false,
'force_secure_only_on_https' => true
'stickyheader' => true,
'datetimefilter' => true,
'IE_override_compatibility_view' => true,
'single_sign_on' => array(
'url_parameter' => 'url',
'allow_admin' => true,
'debug_failed_login' => false,
'google' => array(
'client_id' => null, // OAuth 2.0 client IDs in https://console.developers.google.com/
'client_secret' => null, // https://console.developers.google.com/
'redirect_uri' => null, // Define if google rejects your redirect uri
'mydbr_url' => null, // Define if not based on your myDBR installation
'show_local_login' => false, // Define if not based on your myDBR installation
'prompt' => 'select_account',
'hosted_domain' => null // Restrict login to your domain
'remote_server' => array ( 'timeout' => 60, 'skip_ssl_verify' => false ),
'template' => array ( 'class' => 'template' ),
'date_time_formats' => array(
'fi_fi' => array('d' => 'd.m.Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
'de_de' => array('d' => 'd.m.Y', 't' => 'H:i:s'),
'en_us' => array('d' => 'Y-m-d', 't' => 'h:i:s a'),
'es_es' => array('d' => 'd/m/Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
'it_it' => array('d' => 'd/m/Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
'nl_nl' => array('d' => 'd-m-Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
'sv_se' => array('d' => 'Y-m-d', 't' => 'H:i:s')
'connected_parameters' => array( 'show_empty_queries' => false ),
'login' => array(
'autocomplete' => 'on',
'use_salted_hash' => true,
'regenerate_session_id' => true,
'tablesorter' => array(
'default_sorting' => 'intelligent'
), /* intelligent/asc/desc */
'show_main_without_login' => array(
'enabled' => false,
'show_login_link' => false
'scrollcheckbox' => array( 'lang' => array('de', 'es', 'fi', 'it', 'nl','se') ),
'admin_restrictions' => array(
'restricted_actions' => array(),
'limited_admins' => array(), /* Restrictions apply to these usernames */
'full_admins' => array() /* No limitations to these usernames */
'lfcr_post' => array(
'chr' => array( chr(10), chr(13) ),
'coded' => array( '#0A', '#0D' ),
'to' => array( '_ x*_LF_*x_', '_ x*_CR_*x_' )
'tooltip' => array(
'last' => '<div class="tt_all"><div class="tt_value">%2$s</div>
'floatingbox' => '<div class="tt_all"><div class="tt_value">[%3$s] - [%4$s]</div>
[%1$s] / [%2$s]</div>',
'crosstab' => array( 'tooltip' => true ),
'password_reset' => array(
'from' => array(
'email' => null,
'name' => null
'replyto' => array(
'email' => null,
'name' => null
'debug' => 0
'mail' => array(
'sleep_after_rows' => 50,
'sleep_microsec' => 1000000, // microseconds
'debug' => 0,
'notify_successful_mail' => 1,
'keep_session' => false
'https' => array(
'https_in_use' => null, // If server does not use $_SERVER['https'] and you still use https, set this flag to true to force https.
'header_cache' => array(
'Expires: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 05:00:00 GMT', // Date in the past
'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT', // always modified
'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate', // HTTP 1.1
'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0',
'Pragma: no-cache', // HTTP 1.0
// 'X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN'
'statistics' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'start' => 'sp_MyDBR_Stat_AddStart', // If changed, check sp_MyDBR_Stat_AddStart for parameters
'end' => 'sp_MyDBR_Stat_AddEnd'
'date_range' => array(
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_TODAY' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_YESTERDAY' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'day')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_1WEEK' => array('from' => array('value' => -6, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_2WEEKS' => array('from' => array('value' => -13, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_THISWEEK' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'week'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'week')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_LASTWEEK' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'week'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'week')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_THISMONTH' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_LASTMONTH' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_1MONTH' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_2MONTHS' => array('from' => array('value' => -2, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_3MONTHS' => array('from' => array('value' => -3, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_6MONTHS' => array('from' => array('value' => -6, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_QUARTER' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'quarter'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'quarter')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_PREVIOUSQUARTER' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'quarter'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'quarter')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_YEARTODAY' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_THISYEAR' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'year')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_LASTYEAR' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year')),
'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_YEAR' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'year')),
'remote_files' => array('export_header_pdf.php'),
'user_interface' => array(
'tablets_use_desktop_ui' => true,
'force_mobile' => '',
'force_desktop' => '',
'sync' => array(
'folder' => 'myDBR Sync',
'delimiter' => ':::',
'hashing_algorithm' => array(
'sso' => 'sha1',
'automatic_parameter_session_id' => 'sha1',
'default' => 'sha1'
'server_error' => array(
'text' => '#{MYDBR_ERROR_USER_TEXT}',
'text_with_optional_link' =>' #{MYDBR_ERROR_USER_OPTIONAL}',
'admin_mail_address' => '', // Define this and user error messages will include a mailto link
'mail_subject' => '#{MYDBR_ERROR_USER_MAIL_SUBJECT}',
'show_full_error_message_to_non_admin' => false
/* OEM license capability to change the report logo dynamically, see user/reportheader_image.php */
'reportheader_logo' => array(
'enabled' => false,
'param' => 'inLogin'
'calendar' => array(
'options' => array(
'fixedWeekCount' => false,
'weekNumbers' => true,
'navLinks' => true,
'columnFormat' => 'dddd',
'header' => array('left' => 'prev,next today', 'center' => 'title', 'right' => 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listMonth'),
'displayEventEnd' => true
'extension_like' => array(
'code_editing' => array(
'js' => array('lib/external/codemirror/editor.js'),
'css' => array(array('src' => 'lib/external/codemirror/editor.css'))
'calendar' => array(
'js' => array('lib/external/calendar/fullcalendar.min.js','lib/external/calendar/locale-all.js'),
'css' => array(
array('src' => 'lib/external/calendar/fullcalendar.min.css' ),
// array('src' => 'lib/external/calendar/fullcalendar.print.min.css', 'media'=>'print' )
'richtext' => array(
'js' => array('lib/external/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'),
'css' => array()
'request'=> array('ajax_only' => true),
'extension_like_enabled' => array(), // internal to myDBR
'dbr_head' => array('enabled' => true),
'nowrap_datatypes' => array('int', 'float', 'date')
$mydbr_defaults['export']['wkhtmltopdf']['command'] = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf';
// User's definitions for $mydbr_defaults. Do not include the user/defaults.php in case of an error in the user edited script
if (!( isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])=='fileedit_v.php' &&
isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']=='save_file')) {
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/user/defaults.php' );