wkhtmltopdf Installation Issue

(9 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. ajitdixit, Member

    I have working wkhtmltopdf

    wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com test.pdf
    Loading pages (1/6)
    Counting pages (2/6)
    Resolving links (4/6)
    Loading headers and footers (5/6)
    Printing pages (6/6)

    'wkhtmltopdf' => array(
    'command' => 'wkhtmltopdf',
    'command_check' => null, /* If you override the command with your own script */
    'use_as_default' => true,
    'tmp_directory' => null,
    'clean_tmp_file_in_case_of_error' => true,
    'show_failed_command_to_all' => false,
    'remind_missing' => true,
    'options' => array(
    'margin-top' => '--margin-top "20"',
    'header-spacing' => '--header-spacing "8"'

    $mydbr_defaults['export']['wkhtmltopdf']['command'] = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf';

    Inspite of these , wkhtmltopdf is not identified by MyDBR
    Do I need to assign permissions ?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Is the top part from the mydbr/defaults.php and the last row from the mydbr/user/defaults.php?

    What is the output of
    % which wkhtmltopdf
    % wkhtmltopdf -V

    myDBR Team

  3. ajitdixit, Member

    which wkhtmltopdf

    wkhtmltopdf -V
    wkhtmltopdf 0.12.4 (with patched qt)

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    What is the output if you access the


    from your myDBR installation?

    myDBR Team

  5. ajitdixit, Member

    string(0) ""
    sh: -V: command not found

    This is output of


  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Your wkhtmltopdf command is not defined (as shown by the troubleshoot script).

    Most likely you have defined something in the user/defaults.php which overrides the command. What is the content of user/defaults.php?

    myDBR Team

  7. ajitdixit, Member

    // myDBR defaults
    // If you want to change the default values, override them in /user/defaults.php as this file will be overridden in updates

    $mydbr_defaults = array (
    'chart' => array (
    'sizeX' => 600,
    'sizeY' => 350,
    'size_mobile' => array( 'x' => 430, 'y' => 270),
    'title_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'title_font' => 'arialbd.ttf', // ImageChart
    'font' => null, // Set this to override chart font
    'font_size' => null, // Set this to override chart font sizes
    'title_font_size' => 11, // ImageChart
    'base_font_size' => 10, // Flash Chart
    'x_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'x2_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'y_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'y2_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'z_axis_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'x_axis_color' => 0xB2C5D8, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'x2_axis_color' => 0xB2C5D8, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'y_axis_color' => 0xFFFF0000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'z_axis_color' => 0xB2C5D8, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'axis_font' => 'arial.ttf', // ImageChart
    'axis_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
    'axis_label_font' => 'arialbd.ttf', // ImageChart
    'axis_label_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
    'axis_label_font_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart
    'label_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'label_color.data' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'label_font' => 'arial.ttf', // ImageChart
    'label_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
    'legend_default_position' => 'right',
    'legend_default_style' => array(
    'background_color' => 0xFFFFFFFF,
    'edge_color' => NULL,
    'rounded_border' => array(
    'TL' => 5,
    'TR' => 5,
    'BL' => 5,
    'BR' => 5
    'chart_extra_width_with_legend_on_side' => 100,
    'legend_color' => 0x00000000, // ImageChart only, ARGB Color
    'legend_font' => 'arial.ttf', // ImageChart
    'legend_font_size' => 9, // ImageChart
    'legend_font_color' => 9, // ImageChart
    'background_color' => 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x00FFFFFF,
    'edge_color' => 0xFF000000,
    'plot_edge_color' => 0xFFFF0000,
    'raised_effect' => 0,
    'padding_top' => 0,
    'grid_color_horizontal' => 0xD7D7D7,
    'grid_color_vertical' => 0xFF000000,
    'colors' => array(
    'bargap' => array('col' => 0.2, 'mscol' => 0.5 ),
    'subbargap' => -1.69e-100, /* TouchBar */
    'alternate_color' => array('0xFFFFFF', '0xFFFFFF', '0xc0c0c0', '0xc0c0c0'),
    'polar_radar'=> array( 'xSize' => 500, 'grid_color' => array(0x80000000, 1, 0xc0000000, 1) ),
    'line' => array(
    'x_axis_tick_middle' => 1,
    'x_axis_margin' => 20,
    'meter' => array(
    'size' => 240,
    'inner' => 0xF4F4F4,
    'outer' => 0x736F6E,
    'outer2' => 0xD5D5D5,
    'green' => 0x6666ff66,
    'yellow' => 0x66ffff33,
    'red' => 0x66ff6666,
    'title' => array( 'font' => 'arialbd.ttf'),
    'text' => array( 'font' => 'ariali.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color' => 0x000000),
    'label' => array( 'font' => 'ariali.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color' => 0x000000),
    'pointer' => array( 'color'=> 0xB82313),
    'color' => array(
    'type' => 'gradient',
    'gradient' => array(
    array(0, 0x6666ff),
    array(25, 0x00bbbb),
    array(50, 0x00ff00),
    array(75, 0xffff00),
    array(100, 0xff0000),
    'step' => array(
    array(0, null),
    array(33, 0x6666ff66),
    array(66, 0x66ffff33),
    array(100, 0x66ff6666),
    'zones' => array(
    array(0, 33, 0x4000FF00),
    array(33, 66, 0x40FFFF00),
    array(66, 100, 0x40FF0000),
    'theme' => array(
    'black' => array(
    'background' => 0x000000,
    'label-color' => 0xffffff,
    'border' => 0x888888,
    'ring1' => 0x707070, // Meter chart ring second to outer
    'ring2' => 0xA0A0A0, // Meter chart outer ring
    'ring3' => 0x222222, // inner for second ring
    'title-color' => 0x000000,
    'text-color' => 0xffffff,
    'tick-color' => 0xffffff,
    'pointer-color' => 0xB82313,
    'linearmeter-pointer-color' => 0xAAAAAA,
    'rectangular-border' => 0x9fcccccc,
    'rectangular-bottom' => 0x9f777777,
    'glare' => array('meter', 'semicircle', 'rectangularmeter')
    'white' => array(
    'background' => 0xffffff,
    'label-color' => 0x444444,
    'border' => 0xffffff,
    'ring1' => 0xD5D5D5,
    'ring2' => 0xA0A0A0, //0x736F6E
    'ring3' => 0xCCCCCC, // inner for second ring
    'title-color' => 0x000000,
    'text-color' => 0x000000,
    'tick-color' => 0x000000,
    'pointer-color' => 0xB82313,
    'linearmeter-pointer-color' => 0x808080,
    'rectangular-border' => 0x9fcccccc,
    'rectangular-bottom' => 0x9fcccccc,
    'glare' => array()
    'default' => array(
    'background' => 0xeeeeee,
    'label-color' => 0x000000,
    'border' => 0xcccccc,
    'ring1' => 0xD5D5D5,
    'ring2' => 0x736F6E,
    'ring3' => 0xCCCCCC, // inner for second ring
    'title-color' => 0x000000,
    'text-color' => 0x000000,
    'tick-color' => 0x000000,
    'pointer-color' => 0xB82313,
    'linearmeter-pointer-color' => 0x808080,
    'rectangular-border' => 0x9fcccccc,
    'rectangular-bottom' => 0x9fcccccc,
    'glare' => array()
    'semicircle' => array( 'size' => 350 ),
    'rectangularmeter' => array(
    'size' => 350
    'donutpercent' => array(
    'size' => 250,
    'color2' => 0xC2C3C2,
    'font' => array(
    'name' => 'arial.ttf',
    'color' => 0x444444 ,
    'orientation' => -1,
    'scale' => 6.25
    'softlightning' => true, // For column and bar charts toggles the softlightning effect
    BottomLeft = 1
    BottomCenter = 2
    BottomRight = 3
    Left = 4
    Center = 5
    Right = 6
    TopLeft = 7
    TopCenter = 8
    TopRight = 9
    Top = TopCenter
    Bottom = BottomCenter
    TopLeft2 = 10
    TopRight2 = 11
    BottomLeft2 = 12
    BottomRight2 = 13
    'softlightning_direction' => array(
    'column' => 4, // Left
    'column3d' => 4,
    'bar' => 8, // TopCenter
    'stackedbar' => 8,
    'stackedcolumn' => 4,
    'bar3d' => 8,
    'stackedbar3d' => 8,
    'stackedcolumn3d' => 4,
    'msbar' => 8,
    'mscolumn' => 4,
    'mscolumn3d' => 4,
    'percentbar' => 8,
    'percentcolumn' => 4,
    'always_use_link_menu' => false, // Whether single linked report shows menu or follows link
    'default_marker' => 16, // GlassSphere2Shape
    'marker_size' => 10, // Marker size for scatter chart
    'marker_edge' => -1, // Marker edge color (-1=linecolor)
    'autoscale' => array('top'=>0.1, 'bottom'=>0.1, 'zeroaffinity'=>0.5),
    'embed_image' => false,
    'pie_label_format' => '$c->setLabelLayout("SideLayout",-1, 10);$c->setLabelStyle()->setBackground(Transparent, -1, 0);',
    'line_width' => 3,
    'width_per_item' => 110,
    'width_extra' => 80,
    'height_per_item' => 60,
    'height_extra' => 37,
    'gantt' => array(
    'baseline_pattern' => array('color' => 0xe0e0e0, 'border' => 0x808080, 'height' => 8),
    'baseline_text' => 'Baseline',
    'start_of_month_format' => '<*font=arialbd.ttf*>{value|mmm d}',
    'start_of_day_format' => '-{value|d}',
    'start_of_hour_format' => '-{value|hh}',
    'scale' => 7,
    'single_label' => 0
    'meters' => array(
    'font' => 'ariali.ttf',
    'linearmeter' => array(
    'size' => array(300, 60),
    'height' => 20,
    'label' => array( 'font' => 'arial.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color'=> 0x00000000),
    'text' => array( 'font' => 'arial.ttf', 'size'=>8, 'color'=> 0x00000000),
    'pointer' => array( 'color'=> 0x808080),
    'type' => 'gradient',
    'zones' => array(
    array('from' => 0, 'to' => 33, 'color' => 0x4000FF00),
    array('from' => 33, 'to' => 66, 'color' => 0x40FFFF00),
    array('from' => 66, 'to' => 100, 'color' => 0x40FF0000),
    'fix_y_axis' => array('yaxis_margin_right' => 8),
    'boxwhisker' => array( 'fill_color' => 0x3F90F4, 'whisker_color' => 0x3644CC, 'edge_color' => 0xCCCCCC),
    'floatingbox' => array( 'edge_color' => 0x444444),
    'skip_null_values' => true,
    'radar_transparency' => 30,
    'bubble' => array( 'transparency' => 10, 'edge_color' => 0xCCCCCC ),
    'fix_apple_browser_gradient_svg_bug' => 'png', // png = use png instead, step = use step, none = bug fixed
    'session_cache_clear' => 180, // How long the chart is kept in session in seconds
    'target' => array(
    'width' => 2,
    'gap' => 0.1
    'area' => array(
    'line' => array(
    'color' => null,
    'width' => 2
    'opacity' => 50, // Percentage
    'scatter3d' => array(
    'view_angle' => array(array( 30, 45 )),
    'wall_color' => array(array( '0xF8F8F8', '0xF8F8F8', '0xF8F8F8', '0x888888' )),
    'drop_line_color' => '0x888888'
    'pager' => 20, // Default pager page size in rows
    'automatic_parameters' => array(
    'username' => 'inLogin', // Automatic report parameter containing the username
    'ip_address' => 'inIPAddress', // Users IP address
    'locale' => 'inLocale', // locale used in reports
    'user_agent' => 'inUseragent', // locale used in reports
    'autoexecute' => 'inAutoexecute', // Automatically executes the report if parameters are ok
    'accept_language' => 'inHTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', // HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE
    'referer' => 'inHTTP_REFERER', // HTTP_REFERER
    'export_format' => 'inExportFormat', // export=sql
    'report_url' => 'inAutoReportURL', // Report URL
    'theme' => 'inAutoTheme',
    'session_id' => 'inSessionIDHash',
    'import_filename' => 'inImportFilename',
    'version_build' => 'inVersionBuild',
    // 'sso_extra1' => 'in_SSO_OrganizationID', // optional extra SSO parameters
    'automatic_parameter_defaults' => array(), // Define extra-parameter values for local users, allows simulating sso_exrta
    'automatic_parameter_not_for_admin' => array(), // Define automatic-parameters which are not automatic-parameters for admin
    'parameters' => array(
    'name_suffix' => ':',
    'empty_numeric_results_null' => false,
    'empty_string_results_null' => false,
    'max_sso_extra_parameters' => 5,
    'allow_post_parameters' => false,
    'daterange_optional' => false,
    'GET_param_query' => false,
    'clean_tags_from_user_input' => true
    'missing_parameter_style' => 'color: red;',
    'password' => array( 'expiration' => 30, 'length' => 8),
    'autocomplete_max_rows' => 20,
    'header_logo_cell' => 'width: 120px; padding: 1px;',
    'category_colors' => array('00C322','FF7A00','D2006B','0066CC','CC6600', 'A300C3', 'C30061', 'C38500'), // Report category default colors
    'search' => false, // Display search + export by default
    'user_prefs_formatting' => true, // Allow user to have own preferences
    'prefs' => array(
    'allow_user_info_change' => true
    'proxy' => array(), // for optional proxy parameters
    'baselanguage' => 'en_US',
    'translate_window' => array('width' => 500, 'heigth' => 600),
    'db_connection' => array(
    'translate_db_locale' => true, // Determines if locale is used in database operations
    'mysql_init' => array(),
    'sybase_init' => '',
    'sqlanywhere_init' => '',
    'show_verbose_error_messages_to_all_users' => false,
    'databases' => array(), /* If SQL Editor opens up too slowly due to slow "show databases"-command in MySQL, define the databases here */
    'pooled_connections' => true, /* Connections are pooled, will improve with servers that have slow connections */
    'fix_sqlsrv_field_metadata' => false,
    'linked_report' => array(
    'autoexecute_when_only_optional' => false,
    'strip_dbr_html_tags_from_links' => true,
    'active_directory_mydbr_groups' => 'myDBR Groups',
    'active_directory_mydbr_admin_group' => 'myDBR Admins',
    'active_directory_sync_users' => array(),
    'active_directory_synconly_users' => array(),
    'active_directory_recursive_user_groups' => true,
    'active_directory' => array(
    'options' => array()
    'updater_users' => array('mydbr_updater'), // Usernames which can use HTTP basic access authentication to call myDBR update URL
    'license_users' => array('license_checker'), // Usernames which can use HTTP basic access authentication to call myDBR license server URL
    'license_server' => array(
    'is_server' => false, // Will respond to license update queries
    'server_url' => null, // Define license server URL
    'custom_server' => false, // Use your own license server code
    'username' => 'license_checker', // Can override script's username
    'password' => null, // Can override script's password
    'host' => null, // Can override current username
    'timeout' => 20, // Call timeout
    'use_proxy_if_defined' => true, // Use proxy if defined
    'query_builder_widths' => array('db' => 194, 'table' => 194, 'column' => 373, 'selected' => 454),
    'graphviz_dpi' => 96,
    'graphviz' => array( 'command_path' => null),
    'summary_row' => array(
    'aggregate_null' => '',
    'hide_prefix_when_empty' => true
    'export' => array(
    'export_choises' => array('Excel', 'PDF', 'CSV', 'SQL'),
    'colwidth_css' => 6.01,
    'excel' => array(
    'storage' => array(
    'cache_storage' => 'memory', // memory / cache_to_phpTemp / cache_in_memory_serialized / cache_in_memory_gzip / cache_to_apc
    'cache_settings' => array(
    'cache_to_phpTemp' => array( 'memoryCacheSize' => '10kb' ),
    'cache_to_apc' => array( 'cacheTime' => 600 ),
    'cache_to_memcache' => array( 'memcacheServer' => 'localhost',
    'memcachePort' => 11211,
    'cacheTime' => 600
    'cache_to_wincache' => array( 'cacheTime' => 600 ),
    'type' => 'xlsx', // xls or xlsx as a default output format
    'line_height' => 12.75,
    'font_width' => 8.3,
    'include_image' => true,
    'utf8_replace' => array(),
    'evaluate_formulas' => false,
    'aggregate_formula' => true,
    'user_styles' => array(),
    'style' => array(
    'header' => array(
    'border'=> array(
    'style' => 'thin',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
    'header_top' => array(
    'borders'=> array(
    'top' => array(
    'style' => 'medium',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
    'header_basic' => array(
    'borders'=> array(
    'top' => array(
    'style' => 'medium',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
    'bottom' => array(
    'style' => 'thin',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'ff6600' )
    'title' => array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true ) ),
    'subtitle' => array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true ) ),
    'tabtitle' => array( 'font' => array( 'bold' => true ) ),
    'subtotal' => array(
    'font' => array( 'italic' => true ),
    'fill' => array(
    'type' => 'solid',
    'color' => array('rgb' => 'F0F0F0'),
    'borders'=> array(
    'top' => array(
    'style' => 'thin',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => '0091A5' )
    'bottom' => array(
    'style' => 'thin',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => '0091A5' )
    'footer' => array(
    'font' => array( 'italic' => true ),
    'borders' => array(
    'top' => array(
    'style' => 'thin',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'AAAAAA' )
    'bottom' => array(
    'style' => 'medium',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => '0091A5' )
    'pageview' => array(
    'fill' => array(
    'type' => 'solid',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'E0E0E0' )
    'comment' => array(
    'fill' => array(
    'type' => 'solid',
    'color' => array( 'rgb' => 'FFFFCC' )
    'cell' => '', // Performance issues with PHPExcel, use only if needed
    'csv' => array(
    'delimiter' => ',',
    'decimal_point' => '.',
    'enclosure' => '"',
    'date_format' => 'Y-m-d', // See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
    'time_format' => 'H:i:s',
    'charset' => 'utf-8', // utf-8, ISO-8859-1
    'line_ending' => "\n",
    'header' => true, // Output the resultset header?
    'enclose_string_with_leading_or_trailing_space' => true,
    'enclose_always' => false,
    'linefeed_between_resultsets' => true,
    'use_BOM_in_UTF' => true,
    'direct_mode' => false,
    'skip_formatting' => false
    'pdf' => array(
    'font' => 'Arial',
    'font_size' => 9,
    'font_width' => 8.5, // Arial 10 default width. Increase this if your PDF output produces columns too narrow
    'column_width_divider' => 5.941,
    'logo' => '', // in user/images
    'logo_width' => 40,
    'image_scale' => 1.25,
    'export_as_png' => true
    'wkhtmltopdf' => array(
    'command' => 'wkhtmltopdf',
    'command_check' => null, /* If you override the command with your own script */
    'use_as_default' => true,
    'tmp_directory' => null,
    'clean_tmp_file_in_case_of_error' => true,
    'show_failed_command_to_all' => false,
    'remind_missing' => true,
    'options' => array(
    'margin-top' => '--margin-top "20"',
    'header-spacing' => '--header-spacing "8"'
    'svg_modifications' => array(
    'chartdirector' => array(
    array('from' => '/stroke-opacity/', 'to' => 'opacity' ),
    'graphviz' => array(
    array('from' => '/<\?xml.*\<svg/s', 'to' => '<svg' )
    'ie_content_disposition' => 'inline',
    'json' => array(
    'force_object' => false
    'sql' => array(
    'is_admin_only' => true
    'xml' => array('compatibility_mode' => false),
    'use_PCLZIP' => false,
    'new_window' => false,
    'favourites_enabled' => true,
    'mainview' => array(
    'favourites_enabled' => true,
    'show_edit' => true,
    'show_code' => true,
    'show_delete' => true,
    'toggle' => array(
    'enabled' => true,
    'default_state' => 'open',
    'default_state_favourites' => 'open'
    'toggle_mobile' => array(
    'enabled' => true,
    'default_state' => 'closed',
    'default_state_favourites' => 'open'
    'dashboard_on_all_folders' => true,
    'pdf_open_in_new_window' => false,
    'open_in_new_window' => array() // Report ID's
    'sql_editor' => array(
    'show_query_builder_when_new' => false,
    'lines_when_to_use_dashes_in_comment' => 4,
    'max_saved' => array('proc' => 10, 'cmd' => 10 ),
    'autocomplete_mydbr' => true,
    'autocomplete_db' => array(),
    'file_manager' => array(
    'chmod' => 0644
    'ioncube_loader' => array(
    'recommended_version' => '10.0.0'
    'param_inline_pairs' => array( 'inStartDate' => 'inEndDate', 'dtFrom' => 'dtTo'),
    'notifications' => array( // if missing features are reminded of
    'chartdirector_missing' => 1,
    'chartdirector_not_default' => 1,
    'wkhtml_missing' => 1,
    'new_version_is_for_admin_only' => false,
    'php_version_is_for_admin_only' => true,
    'ioncube_loader' => true
    'error_reporting' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED,
    'logout' => array(
    'url_redirect' => null,
    'url' => 'thankyou.html',
    'link_text' => '#{MYDBR_AMAIN_LOGOUT}',
    'allowed_redirect_urls_in_url_parameter' => array('')
    'google_maps_api_key_use_in_geocode' => false,
    'google_maps_api_key' => '',
    'google_maps_business' => array('client_id' => null, 'private_key' => null),
    'cookie' => array(
    'host' => null,
    'secure_only' => false,
    'force_secure_only_on_https' => true
    'stickyheader' => true,
    'datetimefilter' => true,
    'IE_override_compatibility_view' => true,
    'single_sign_on' => array(
    'url_parameter' => 'url',
    'allow_admin' => true,
    'debug_failed_login' => false,
    'google' => array(
    'client_id' => null, // OAuth 2.0 client IDs in https://console.developers.google.com/
    'client_secret' => null, // https://console.developers.google.com/
    'redirect_uri' => null, // Define if google rejects your redirect uri
    'mydbr_url' => null, // Define if not based on your myDBR installation
    'show_local_login' => false, // Define if not based on your myDBR installation
    'prompt' => 'select_account',
    'hosted_domain' => null // Restrict login to your domain
    'remote_server' => array ( 'timeout' => 60, 'skip_ssl_verify' => false ),
    'template' => array ( 'class' => 'template' ),
    'date_time_formats' => array(
    'fi_fi' => array('d' => 'd.m.Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
    'de_de' => array('d' => 'd.m.Y', 't' => 'H:i:s'),
    'en_us' => array('d' => 'Y-m-d', 't' => 'h:i:s a'),
    'es_es' => array('d' => 'd/m/Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
    'it_it' => array('d' => 'd/m/Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
    'nl_nl' => array('d' => 'd-m-Y', 't' => 'H.i.s'),
    'sv_se' => array('d' => 'Y-m-d', 't' => 'H:i:s')
    'connected_parameters' => array( 'show_empty_queries' => false ),
    'login' => array(
    'autocomplete' => 'on',
    'use_salted_hash' => true,
    'regenerate_session_id' => true,
    'tablesorter' => array(
    'default_sorting' => 'intelligent'
    ), /* intelligent/asc/desc */
    'show_main_without_login' => array(
    'enabled' => false,
    'show_login_link' => false
    'scrollcheckbox' => array( 'lang' => array('de', 'es', 'fi', 'it', 'nl','se') ),
    'admin_restrictions' => array(
    'restricted_actions' => array(),
    'limited_admins' => array(), /* Restrictions apply to these usernames */
    'full_admins' => array() /* No limitations to these usernames */
    'lfcr_post' => array(
    'chr' => array( chr(10), chr(13) ),
    'coded' => array( '#0A', '#0D' ),
    'to' => array( '_ x*_LF_*x_', '_ x*_CR_*x_' )
    'tooltip' => array(
    'last' => '<div class="tt_all"><div class="tt_value">%2$s</div>

    'floatingbox' => '<div class="tt_all"><div class="tt_value">[%3$s] - [%4$s]</div>
    [%1$s] / [%2$s]</div>',
    'crosstab' => array( 'tooltip' => true ),
    'password_reset' => array(
    'from' => array(
    'email' => null,
    'name' => null
    'replyto' => array(
    'email' => null,
    'name' => null
    'debug' => 0
    'mail' => array(
    'sleep_after_rows' => 50,
    'sleep_microsec' => 1000000, // microseconds
    'debug' => 0,
    'notify_successful_mail' => 1,
    'keep_session' => false
    'https' => array(
    'https_in_use' => null, // If server does not use $_SERVER['https'] and you still use https, set this flag to true to force https.
    'header_cache' => array(
    'Expires: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 05:00:00 GMT', // Date in the past
    'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT', // always modified
    'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate', // HTTP 1.1
    'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0',
    'Pragma: no-cache', // HTTP 1.0
    // 'X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN'
    'statistics' => array(
    'enabled' => true,
    'start' => 'sp_MyDBR_Stat_AddStart', // If changed, check sp_MyDBR_Stat_AddStart for parameters
    'end' => 'sp_MyDBR_Stat_AddEnd'
    'date_range' => array(
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_TODAY' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_YESTERDAY' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'day')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_1WEEK' => array('from' => array('value' => -6, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_2WEEKS' => array('from' => array('value' => -13, 'type' => 'day'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'day')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_THISWEEK' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'week'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'week')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_LASTWEEK' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'week'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'week')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_THISMONTH' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_LASTMONTH' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_1MONTH' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_2MONTHS' => array('from' => array('value' => -2, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_3MONTHS' => array('from' => array('value' => -3, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_6MONTHS' => array('from' => array('value' => -6, 'type' => 'month'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_QUARTER' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'quarter'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'quarter')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_PREVIOUSQUARTER' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'quarter'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'quarter')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_YEARTODAY' => array('from' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'month')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_THISYEAR' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => null, 'type' => 'year')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_LASTYEAR' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year')),
    'MYDBR_PARAM_DATE_RANGE_YEAR' => array('from' => array('value' => -1, 'type' => 'year'), 'to' => array('value' => 0, 'type' => 'year')),
    'remote_files' => array('export_header_pdf.php'),
    'user_interface' => array(
    'tablets_use_desktop_ui' => true,
    'force_mobile' => '',
    'force_desktop' => '',
    'sync' => array(
    'folder' => 'myDBR Sync',
    'delimiter' => ':::',
    'hashing_algorithm' => array(
    'sso' => 'sha1',
    'automatic_parameter_session_id' => 'sha1',
    'default' => 'sha1'
    'server_error' => array(
    'text' => '#{MYDBR_ERROR_USER_TEXT}',
    'text_with_optional_link' =>' #{MYDBR_ERROR_USER_OPTIONAL}',
    'admin_mail_address' => '', // Define this and user error messages will include a mailto link
    'mail_subject' => '#{MYDBR_ERROR_USER_MAIL_SUBJECT}',
    'show_full_error_message_to_non_admin' => false
    /* OEM license capability to change the report logo dynamically, see user/reportheader_image.php */
    'reportheader_logo' => array(
    'enabled' => false,
    'param' => 'inLogin'
    'calendar' => array(
    'options' => array(
    'fixedWeekCount' => false,
    'weekNumbers' => true,
    'navLinks' => true,
    'columnFormat' => 'dddd',
    'header' => array('left' => 'prev,next today', 'center' => 'title', 'right' => 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listMonth'),
    'displayEventEnd' => true
    'extension_like' => array(
    'code_editing' => array(
    'name' => '#{MYDBR_EXT_LIKE_CODE_EDITING}',
    'js' => array('lib/external/codemirror/editor.js'),
    'css' => array(array('src' => 'lib/external/codemirror/editor.css'))
    'calendar' => array(
    'name' => '#{MYDBR_EXT_LIKE_CALENDAR}',
    'js' => array('lib/external/calendar/fullcalendar.min.js','lib/external/calendar/locale-all.js'),
    'css' => array(
    array('src' => 'lib/external/calendar/fullcalendar.min.css' ),
    // array('src' => 'lib/external/calendar/fullcalendar.print.min.css', 'media'=>'print' )
    'richtext' => array(
    'name' => '#{MYDBR_EXT_LIKE_RICHTEXT}',
    'js' => array('lib/external/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'),
    'css' => array()
    'request'=> array('ajax_only' => true),
    'extension_like_enabled' => array(), // internal to myDBR
    'dbr_head' => array('enabled' => true),
    'nowrap_datatypes' => array('int', 'float', 'date')

    $mydbr_defaults['export']['wkhtmltopdf']['command'] = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf';
    // User's definitions for $mydbr_defaults. Do not include the user/defaults.php in case of an error in the user edited script
    if (!( isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])=='fileedit_v.php' &&
    isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']=='save_file')) {
    require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/user/defaults.php' );

  8. ajitdixit, Member

    I got my mistake

  9. myDBR Team, Key Master

    That would be the content of mydbr/defaults.php file which comes with myDBR. As it states in the beginning, "DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE", the file is not to be changed by user, nor are you supposed to copy full content of the file into the mydbr/user/defaults.php.

    What you should do, is to remove the changes you have made (download a fresh copy of the file) and make your changes to the mydbr/user/defaults.php which is the file that is used to override the values from the mydbr/defaults.php.

    For example, to override the wkhtmltopdf-command used by myDBR you just include the row:

    $mydbr_defaults['export']['wkhtmltopdf']['command'] = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf';

    into mydbr/user/defaults.php, nothing else.
    myDBR Team


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