Funnel Spacing Issue

(2 posts) (2 voices)


  1. davidsona, Blocked

    I've got a funnel that will almost always have 80+% of it's volume within 1 category, and this is causing the remaining categories' labels to crunch together as shown here:

    Is there a way to fix this so that the labels are readable?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You could try to assign CharDirector command directly trying out to set label only in one row and choose which data to show in the label:

    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector',
    '$c->setCenterLabel("{label} {value|0}", "arial.ttf", 8);';

    Alternatively try to set label to right of the funnel:

    -- Remove the default label
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector',
    '$c->setCenterLabel("", "arial.ttf", 8);';
    -- Add right label
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector',
    '$c->setRightLabel("{label} {value|0}", "arial.ttf", 8);';

    myDBR Team


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