I have seen similar questions asked before but didn't see the answer I may re-use, hence, have to ask again.
Like in this demo example when multi-select is used as report parameter:
Demo MultiSelect param, I would like to use the same for my 'dbr.editable' column on the report.
Unfortunately, dbr.editable does not provide "type" to enable display of multiple check-boxes which allow user to select more than one of them and "pack" checked values into delimited varchar variable for storing in the table column.
I.e. 'textarea', 'autosize' (autosizing textarea), 'select', 'select_find', 'radiobutton', 'datepicker', 'datetimepicker', 'timepicker', 'colorpicker', 'richtext' are all possible "types" of dbr.editable.
Is there any way for me to implement "milti-select" checkboxes?
I don't know if this can be considered request for improvement, probably since dbr.editable already allows type=radiobutton, having milti-select checkboxes as new type would not be too much trouble to ask for?
Ideally, if selected checkbox values can be packed into comma delimited variable it would be super useful!
Thank you