Removing Zeroes From dbr.calc

(4 posts) (3 voices)


  1. astroshark, Member

    So I have a crosstab that is using dbr.calc command to calculate the %. My issue is that whenever there is a row with null data then dbr.calc returns with 0.00% how do I go about keeping this row blank instead of showing the 0%?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Can you open a support ticket with export as SQL output attached so we can replicate your report behavior?

    myDBR Team

  3. ingjgarciad, Member

    I Have the same problem, because my information have a 0 in some cases.

    really no have a problem, is simple in math if you try divide by 0 the result is 0, my problem is the next.

    When have a 0 in some cases, i try to evaluate second value with 100% but the field is null don't use a CASE to evaluate because donn't have a field, the field is virtual


    Report | value1 | value2 | %percent |

    some | 0 | 3 | null | <-- 0/3*100 = null/error/0

    how to evaluate %percent null to change 100%

    Report | value1 | value2 | %percent |

    some | 0 | 3 | 300% | <-- 3*100 = 300%

    Report SQL Export

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If the dbr.calc produces 0.00% with null data, make sure that you are using latest version (run the automatic updater). If the problem persists, please contact support with SQL export of your report.

    don't use a CASE to evaluate because donn't have a field, the field is virtual

    What do you mean by a virtual field?

    some | 0 | 3 | 300% | <-- 3*100 = 300%

    What is the logic of getting 300% out of 0 and 3?

    dbr.calc accepts any php expression as parameter so you can handle nulls/zeros differently if you want.

    myDBR Team


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