Hi team MyDbr.
It's possible to implement new features by spatial data (geometry, geography) from MS-SQL Server.
SQL syntax
POINT (3 4)
MULTIPOLYGON(((1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1)),((1 1, 3 1, 3 3, 1 3, 1 1)))
LINESTRING(1 1,2 3,4 8, -6 3)
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(1 1, 3 5),POLYGON((-1 -1, -1 -5, -5 -5, -5 -1, -1 -1)))
CURVEPOLYGON((-122.3 47, 122.3 -47, 125.7 -49, 121 -38, -122.3 47))
SQL Managment (Point)
SQL Managment (Multipolygon)
MyDBR (Custom SQL with REPLACE, LEFT and RIGHT functions) [Points]
MyDBR (Custom SQL with REPLACE, LEFT and RIGHT functions) [LineString]*
*MyDBR suppose a polygon and close them.
The data of before SQL syntax its similar from function polygon
'dbr.openstreetmap.polygon - Add polygons to the map'but the order is inverse.
SQL Spatial data is (X,Y) its similar to GeoJson but its separated by space ' ' and delimited by '),('
OpenStreet & Google Maps API is (Y,X)
X= Long
Y = Lat.
I checked leaflet library #Point but the order is (Y,X) OpenStreet & Google Maps.
It's dificult make GeoJson from Select Sql-Server but not impossible