myDBR Team is happy to announce the availability of the myDBR 5.6 release.
myDBR 5.6 brings security improvements and optimizations. The version is recommended for all users.
New functionality:
- Sybase PHP 7.x support with PDO_DBLIB
- Easier for the user to take the Two-Factor Authentication into use
- Ability to set Two-Factor Authentication only for admins
- Ability to set Two-Factor Authentication only for extranet users
- Support for JSON datatype
- New export option 'json' allows exporting existing JSON structure as JSON
- Log for failed login attemps
- Ability to block IP addresses based on failed login attempts. An OEM feature
General improvements:
- Security improvements
- myDBR no longer use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS-system table resulting in improved performance
myDBR 5.7 fixes an issue with myDBR 5.6 where an extra parameter was added to report URL when raport had user parameters.
As always, you can update to the new version using the myDBR's automatic updater.
Happy reporting,
myDBR Team