Header Groups on Joins

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  1. pfsit, Member

    I have tried to do header groups on the following. I have tried changing the column values to match the AS, removed the table reference (mv.) and it never shows the Header Group when I run the report.

    Is there anything I need to change since the information I am referencing is from multiple tables?

    SELECT 'dbr.header.group', 'Last Service Information', 'mv.EndInvCalc', 'mv.TriggerValue', 'mv.PdfRoundAmt';

    SELECT pos.code AS 'POS Code',
    mv.ProductFamily AS 'Product Family',
    pro.code AS 'Product Code',
    pro.description AS 'Product',
    vmi.quantity AS 'Pick Quantity',
    posmpc.par AS 'Par',
    mv.QtySold AS 'Qty. Sold',
    mv.EndInvCalc AS 'Ending Inv.[mv.EndInvCalc]',
    mv.TriggerValue AS 'Trigger %[mv.TriggerValue]',
    mv.PdfRoundAmt AS 'Round Amt.[mv.PdfRoundAmt]',
    vmi.last_update_datetime AS 'Last Update'

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The dbr.header.group-command takes exactly three parameters: visible name of the group, starting column and ending column. No need to list all the columns in between.

    So you can use:

    SELECT 'dbr.header.group', 'Last Service Information', 'mv.EndInvCalc', 'mv.PdfRoundAmt';

    There is also no need to include the table alias to the column reference (unless you really want to). So instead of:

    mv.EndInvCalc AS 'Ending Inv.[mv.EndInvCalc]',

    you can use

    mv.EndInvCalc AS 'Ending Inv.[EndInvCalc]',

    The '.' in column reference has a special meaning (used by column aggregates), so you might want to avoid using dots in column reference.

    myDBR Team

  3. pfsit, Member

    Thanks that worked!


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