Longer history - or user setting

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. maron, Member


    History now keeps 10 items when clicked.

    I often work through multi day sessions where I might execute 100's of commands and often find that I want to rewind a bit - and sometimes things are lost when cleaning up tabs.

    It would be really nice if you could keep an extensive history - allowing the user to set the limit in history (I would probably set it to 1000 myself):

    Also if you could expand and see the whole command in history before sending it to the editor.

    This would speed up report dev time.

    Best regards,

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can override the sql_editor/max_saved in user/defaults:

    $mydbr_defaults['sql_editor']['max_saved'] = array('proc' => 10, 'cmd' => 10 );

    There are separate entries for procedure code history and SQL command history.

    As for the preview, full commands are shown in the tooltip and procedure versions open in new tab so you can close the one if it was not what you were looking for (no need to close the history window in between).

    Note that the history is kept in session variable.
    myDBR Team


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