I have a couple of questions/wishes:
1) When using dbr.pager is it possible to place the page navigation at the bottom of the result set?
2) Is there a fix or workaround for using dbr.column.filter with dbr.pager?
I've created a report that has a linked report which uses dbr.upload. I have this working except for 1 thing:
1) How can I refresh the parent report when the file upload is finished? I've tries the following:
select 'dbr.report','sp_DBR_Upload_Test','popup','inComp=scomp','inTran=tnum',"callpopupclose=mycallback()";
select 'dbr.javascript',' function mycallback() {Location.reload();} ';
I've also put this into the sp_DBR_Upload_Test sp:
select 'dbr.javascript','window.onunload = refreshParent;
function refreshParent() {
2) This is more of a wish. Is there anyway I can prepend parameters to the file name before saving? In the parent report I have the company id and transaction number and I pass these onto sp_DBR_Upload_Test sp and these get stored in a table along with the filename. As the company id and transaction is a unique combination prepending these to the filename would result in a unique file eg 01-1234-filename.pdf.