Editable field with textarea fails in v6

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. duane, Member


    I think I've found a bug that was introduced revently and isn't due to my coding :-)

    I have an editable reporting using templates and when I have a field type="textarea" it fails when saving info (eg. using OK button or autosave on exit). This failure shows up in two ways:
    1) When admin (or authenticated?) it jumps back to the dashboard
    2) When unauthenticated it shows a login screen

    Changing it from "textarea" to "autosize" solves the problem (after 4-5 hours of trying many other things!

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Could you open a support ticket for this with sample code? We seem to have difficulties reproducing this one.

    myDBR Team


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