This has been doling my head in for the last few hours. :)
I've a very simple report that has to elements - a semi donut and a table. I'd like them both on the same line. I thought dbr.keepwith next would work but it doesn't. Before I go off and start creating divs, floats (or grid) etc should dbr.keepwithnext with this code.
select 'dbr.title','';
select 'dbr.html','<header id="header">
<h1 class="site_title btn_view_site">'; select 'dbr.divify'; select concat('Sales v Budget Performance for Month ',format(@pdate,'MMM-yyyy'),' and Forecast ',@bNum);
select 'dbr.html','</hgroup>
select 'dbr.chart', 'semidoughnutpercent', 'Group Sales Performance'; select 'dbr.colstyle','per','%0.0f'; select 'dbr.keepwithnext';
select round((cast(c.asales as float)/c.bsales)*100,1) as per from (select sum(actval) as asales, sum(budval) as bsales from #sales) c;
select 'dbr.sum','asales','bsales';
select Comp as "Division[comp]", actval as "Actual Sales[asales]", budval as "Budget Sales[bsales]" from #sales;