What does it mean when it is "not working"?
when i try to access it i get the following error
No valid license found for mysql server at "xxx".Manage licenses
When i click on Manage licenses link I see this:
Some of your licenses are valid for a newer version of myDBR.
Update myDBR to use these licenses. Your myDBR version is 5.8.1.
Even though i have actual valid license entered etc. I have tried to delete and re-add license but the issue remains.
At this point the only option i have is to click "Update mydbr" link.
I tried that but see the following:
Update wizard was unable to fetch the changelog
The update wizard could not contact the myDBR update server using HTTPS protocol to show the changelog at https://www.mydbr.com/getpost.php?id=10361
Possible causes and remedies for this are:
Your server is behind a firewall and cannot connect to http://www.mydbr.comcan
→ Define a proxy server in Environmental Settings
Your PHP does not recognize the certificates used in mydbr.com
→ Put the full path to CA bundle php.ini's curl.cainfo. You can use the cacert.pem-file extracted from Mozilla
mydbr.com is really down
→ Try to access https://mydbr.com with your browser and if you cannot reach it, please try again in a few minutes
You can still continue with the update by clicking the 'Start'. Actual update, for now, is performed via HTTP
You should fix the connection issue, as in the future, the full update process will be done using HTTPS
I am not behind http proxy, I do have curl.cainfo entry in my php.ini pointing to the good version of cacert.pem and I can access https://mydbr.com from my server without any issue.
But I am stuck unable to update mydbr.
So after trying this all I thought my only option is to install clean mydbr instance and try to bring in all my reports and meta-data from old instance db. Which is why I was asking about this.