Looping through multiselect options

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  1. rbecker, Member

    I have a report that uses a multiselect option to retrieve some input from my users. For each option they have selected I would like to run a count(*) on it and return the result. Right now it will perform the count for every single option together and display it as one result, but I would like one result per option selected, and with a total row if possible also. Is this able to be done? I looked through the documentation but it doesn't look like myDBR has any built in for loops and MySQL is only able to do it via a cursor.

    My report code is:
    CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_DBR_LeadInsertionCounts`(vStartDate datetime, vEndDate datetime, inLists text) BEGIN

    SELECT count(*) AS 'Lead Count' FROM asterisk.vicidial_list WHERE find_in_set(list_id, inLists) AND entry_date BETWEEN vStartDate and vEndDate;


    And the procedure that generates the options is:
    CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_DBR_SelectLists`(inLists varchar(255)) BEGIN

    select list_id, concat(list_id, " - ", list_name) from asterisk.vicidial_lists where list_id like concat('%', inLists, '%') limit 40;


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Usually you try to avoid loops in SQL whenever possible. If you want to have a lead count per list_id (or with some textual explanation) you couild do following:

    SELECT 'dbr.sum', 'Lead Count';
    SELECT list_id, count(*) AS 'Lead Count'
    FROM asterisk.vicidial_list
    WHERE find_in_set(list_id, inLists) AND entry_date BETWEEN vStartDate and vEndDate
    GROUP BY list_id;

    Is that somethihg you were looking for?

    myDBR Team

  3. rbecker, Member

    Yes, that was exactly what I was looking for. I made a few modifications to make it display the data in a better format but that did the trick. Thank you!


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