Not able to download to PDF after had my myDBR upgraded

(8 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jasmondluk, Member

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'EduPedia Group (星博士教育中心)' as 'centername';
    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', '請點擊個別導師打開詳情。 報表的月份:2021-12' as 'concat( \'請點擊個別導師打開詳情。 報表的月份:\', concat(in_year,\'-\',left(in_month,7)))';
    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', '* 報名費不計算在內' as '* 報名費不計算在內';
    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', '計算方法:學費正價 , 學生缺課應付薪金 , 只按已全數繳付學費計算' as 'concat( if(in_discount_deduct_salary=\'Y\',\'** 計算方法:折扣後學費\',\'計算方法:學費正價\'), \' , \'
    , if(in_deduct_absent=1,\'學生缺課不付薪金\',\'學生缺課應付薪金\') , \' , \'
    , if(in_count_paid_only=\'Y\',\'按已繳學費比例計�'; select '', 1; select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Teacher Service Fee'; select 'dbr.hidecolumn', 'instructor'; select '', 'sp_DBR_teaching_fee_details', '[導師]', 'popup', 'Center=(Center)', 'in_year=(in_year)', 'in_month=(in_month)', 'in_teacher=[instructor]', 'in_discount_deduct_salary=(in_discount_deduct_salary)', 'in_deduct_absent=(in_deduct_absent)', 'in_count_paid_only=(in_count_paid_only)', 'in_sort_by=(in_sort_by)'; select 'dbr.headerstyle', ' white-space:pre;';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', '導師', '[white-space:pre; width: 200px; mix-width: 200px;]'; select 'dbr.summary.options', 'limit_summary_level', 0;
    select 'dbr.summary.text', '導師', '總數';
    select 'dbr.sum', '總薪金'; select 'dbr.sort', '導師', 'asc'; select 'dbr.colstyle', '薪金(按已繳的本月課堂)', '%.2f';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', '總薪金', '%.2f';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', '薪金(按本月補交的往月課堂)', '%.2f'; select 'A' as '導師', '' as 'instructor', 0.0 as '工資率', '' as '|', 0.0 as '薪金(按已繳的本月課堂)', 0.0 as '薪金(按本月補交的往月課堂)', '' as '|', 0.0 as '總薪金'
    union all
    select 'B', '', 50.0, '', 3595.0, 625.0, '', 4220.0
    union all
    select 'C', '', 40.0, '', 728.0, 0.0, '', 728.0
    union all
    select 'D', '', 50.0, '', 3105.0, 135.0, '', 3240.0
    union all
    select 'E', '', 0.0, '', 0.0, 0.0, '', 0.0
    union all
    select 'F', '', 0.0, '', 0.0, 0.0, '', 0.0
    union all
    select 'G', '', 40.0, '', 3076.0, 3564.0, '', 6640.0
    union all
    select 'H', '', 40.0, '', 1860.0, 98.0, '', 1958.0
    union all
    select 'I', '', 50.0, '', 3165.0, 895.0, '', 4060.0
    union all
    select 'J ', '', 0.0, '', 0.0, 0.0, '', 0.0;

  2. jasmondluk, Member

    After click PDF, browser show gray screen

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There is no change in PDF exports. Could you try to use the export's debug-option and follow the instructions.

    To enable the debug, add the command to the beginning of the report.

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'debug', 1;

    myDBR Team

  4. jasmondluk, Member

    Getting this:

    Warning: sizeof(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 3194
    wkhtmltopdf debug
    To test wkhtmltopdf pdf generation, copy the following command into the server's command line.
    myDBR saved the generated HTML file into /tmp/mydbr_export_1448577718.html. File size is: 17833 bytes.
    $ "/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf" --margin-top "20" --header-spacing "8" --header-html "" --replace rdate "2022-01-04" --replace rtime "09:50:45 am" /tmp/mydbr_export_1448577718.html debug_output.pdf

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Run the automatic updater. That should fix the issue when importing single report elements.

    myDBR Team

  6. jasmondluk, Member

    May I know how to run the automatic updater? Thanks.

  7. jasmondluk, Member

    I did the "Update now..." under Admin Tools/About/Update but the problem still persists

  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We seem to have problems replicating this. For us to be able to do that, please open a support ticket at with the following information.

    1. What is the version and the build you are using (use the About dialog)
    2. Save the PDF directly to file (do not open it in the browser) and send the generated PDF to support email
    3. Use the above-mentioned debug-option and include the output to the support email
    4. Send the generated HTML file (like the /tmp/mydbr_export_1448577718.html above) to support email

    myDBR Team


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