Editable checkbox autosubmit

(10 posts) (2 voices)


  1. duane, Member

    Is there a way to set checkbox selections to autosubmit on editable reports just like radiobuttons can?

    I tried options 'display': 'inline', 'autosubmit': 1 but these currently only work for radiobuttons

    I know multiple selections can be made, so it would either be update each time a check bot is selected or perhaps a few seconds after the last checkbox in a group is selected.

    Any suggestions?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There is not.

    The reason is what you expected. The checkbox can have multiple values and the save is done after the form is submitted. We can take a look if such a feature (saving on each click) would be feasible/doable, but you would need to close the form anyways (or leave it open) so it would not really save any clicks. You could do the same thing with dbr.report with some formatting.

    In radiobutton one can submit right after the selection as there is only one value to be chosen.

    myDBR Team

  3. duane, Member

    > We can take a look if such a feature (saving on each click) would be feasible/doable

    That would be great!

    > but you would need to close the form anyways (or leave it open) so it would not really save any clicks

    Yes - I intend to leave it open. As for saving on clicks, it was less about that and more because people are used to no data being saved until they submit the entire form (page) vs on a per column basis. So when all options start as displayed, people are clicking options but don't always click the 'OK' button for each column. So this would just help ensure it is saved and having the OK/cancel buttons there is ok as that would just close the form and display the selected values.

  4. duane, Member

    Another idea might be a 'save all on exit page' function. Would that be a better idea?

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Another idea might be a 'save all on exit page' function. Would that be a better idea?

    Attaching event to the unload is not the optimal solution. Once you can show what you are doing there will be a better way of handling things.

    myDBR Team

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can check the new feature in myDBR 6.3 where you can use dbr.record with non-template reports. As a sample use-case, a demo shows an alternative to your "always open" editable checkboxes. You could make this to look your own.

    myDBR Team

  7. duane, Member

    Hi again.

    Were there any new ways to enable this? I'm using an editable report via a template with multiple checkboxes and would to use autosubmit to save the selections without having an OK/cancel button.

  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Did you check the demo above?

    myDBR Team

  9. duane, Member

    Yes - but it says this is a non-template method and I am using this in a template.

  10. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can use the same method with templates using dbr.record.

    myDBR Team


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