I'm trying to get editable checkboxes to be populated with their existing values in the DB when loaded, I can't figure out the return string to get it recognised. Should the list of current displayed values comma separated, space separated or something else? I have it working fine otherwise (displaying, updating,
I had it working at some point and then it stopped working, and I can't figure out what made it work again.
For instance:
- the ids column returns ids: a,b,c
- the labels column returns A1,B1,C1
Initially all the checkboxes besides the display values are unchecked. So I select B1 and C1 and then click OK and it saves fine in the database. But when I refresh the page, other non-checkbox values load fine, but the checkboxes are all unchecked again despite the the query for the labels column returning "B1,B2"
Any hints (the editable checkbox demos didn't seem to work and in the documentation it was unclear).