I know I can use skipheader / footer to merge result sets into one table:
select 'dbr.resultset.options', 'skip_header_footer' | 'skip_header' | 'skip_footer' | 'json'
Can we have something similar for charts, the reason is I'm working with temporary tables a lot, and this would remove the situation where you get Can't reopen temporary table - since we would not be using union and the statements thus separated.
Here is an example that generates this error
select 'dbr.chart','Line';
select 'dbr.chart.options','chartjs';
select ts, js->'$.status[0].current1' from tmp_telemetry;
union select ts, 'bat0', js->'$.status[0].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry
union select ts, 'bat1', js->'$.status[1].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry
union select ts, 'bat2', js->'$.status[2].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry
union select ts, 'bat3', js->'$.status[3].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry
union select ts, 'bat4', js->'$.status[4].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry
union select ts, 'bat5', js->'$.status[5].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
If I could do something like this it would simplify things a lot
select 'dbr.chart','Line';
select 'dbr.chart.options','resultsets','6'; -- Include the next 6 resultsets in the chart
select 'dbr.chart.options','chartjs';
select ts, js->'$.status[0].current1' from tmp_telemetry;
select ts, 'bat0', js->'$.status[0].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
select ts, 'bat1', js->'$.status[1].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
select ts, 'bat2', js->'$.status[2].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
select ts, 'bat3', js->'$.status[3].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
select ts, 'bat4', js->'$.status[4].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
select ts, 'bat5', js->'$.status[5].battery_remaining' from tmp_telemetry;
Best regards,