Change filename dbr.upload

(5 posts) (3 voices)


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  1. JamesG, Member

    Im using dbr.upload a d have the script working but have the following problem.
    I want to use an iPad to take the photo and upload. this works the first time. I click the box the iPad asks if I want to select from photos, take photo or choose from files.
    I select take photo then click Use Photo, but the iPad always has the same file name so the second time I add a photo its says "file Image.jpg already exissts'
    is it possible for dbr.upload to prefix a unique number from the database?

    many thanks

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can use the add_time-option. This will add a timestamp to the uploaded filename and threfore makes the filename unique.

    select 'dbr.upload.options', 'add_time', 1;

    myDBR Team

  3. JamesG, Member

    Thats Perfect. Many thanks

  4. gallogallegos, Member

    hi, i have the same problem, but i need to rename with an custom name, what can i do?

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    In the latest build there is an option filename for this.

    myDBR Team


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