I have report:
select 'dbr.javascript', " function valid1(obj) { if ($(obj).parent().children().eq(1).text() == '1') return true; }";
select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_Edit', '[cmdEdit]', 'scriptdiv[]', 'id=ID', 'txt<=txt', 'event=click', 'callbefore=valid1';
select txt, editable, case when editable = '1' then 'dbr.purehtml:<div class="i_edit"></div>' else '' end as '[cmdEdit]'
from (
select 1 as ID, 'aaaaaa' as txt, '0' as editable
select 2 as ID, 'bbbbbb' as txt, '1' as editable
select 3 as ID, 'cccccc' as txt, '0' as editable
) as t1
and i want that [cmdEdit] buton will work only on rows where editable=1 but i want to hide editable column from table.