Your findings above are verified (I fixed these issued and gor it working before I saw this). I've also updated for TInyMCE 6 and fixed all the other similar instance of the richtext type field.
My working code for TinyMCE 6.x is now:
SELECT 'dbr.editable', 'body_html', 'sp_DBR_posting_update_html', 'inPostHashCode=PostHashEncoded', 'inFieldName="body_html"',
'type=richtext', "options={'html':1, 'onblur':'',
'richtext':{'width':'100%', 'height':'400', 'menubar': false, 'statusbar': true, 'remove_linebreaks': false,
'block_formats': 'Paragraph=p; Header 3=h3; Header 4=h4; Header 5=h5;',
'toolbar': true,
'plugins': 'lists advlist code link, autosave', 'autosave_ask_before_unload': false,
'toolbar': 'paste removeformat code blocks bold italic underline numlist bullist link indent outdent undo redo restoredraft'