I'm trying to use the QRCode generator to embed vCards. I've done it before on other sites (and not with a URL linking to a vCard file), but I can't figure out how to make it work with mydbr. My code is like:
SELECT 'dbr.subtitle', 'vCard as QR Code';
SELECT 'dbr.qrcode';
"KIND:", "individual", "\n",
"FN:", name_given, " ", name_family, "\n",
"N:", name_family, ";", name_given, ";;;", "\n",
"EMAIL;", "TYPE=WORK:", email, "\n",
"ORG:", orgname, "\n",
"TITLE:", title, "\n",
"TEL:", phone, "\n",
"URL;", "TYPE=LinkedIn:", linkedin, "\n",
"URL;", "TYPE=Twitter:", twitter, "\n",
"ADR;", "TYPE=WORK:", ";;;", city, ";;;", country, ";", "\n",
"CATEGORIES:", "my-category1,my-category-2", "\n",
) AS vCard
I've got it working for other QR codes, but can't figure it out for this one despite playing with encapsulating it in single quotes, removing the 'text' prefix/curly brackets and more.
Any suggestions?