The chart doesn't show all the legend key

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jasmondluk, Member


    When trying to generate the chart, some of the bottom legends are chopped off. Please advise how can show all? Sample sql is in below.


    select '', 'By Course';
    select '', 'By Teacher';
    select '', 'By Room';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Eye Level i Leader Education Center(Mei Foo)' as 'group_concat( centername )';

    select 'dbr.text', 'From: 2022-01-01 to 2023-06-30';
    select 'dbr.text', 'Actual Class Date 按上課日子';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Month';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[Income]';

    select 'dbr.hsum', '[Income]';

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Course', 'Total';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Monthly Revenue By Subject';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Course', 'multiselect';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Code', 'text';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'autosize', 1;

    select 'Chinese' as 'Course', 'Chi' as 'Code', '2022-01' as 'Month', 21450.0 as '[Income]'
    union all
    select 'English exam revision', 'EngExam ', '2022-01', 250.0
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-01', 500.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-01', 1250.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-01', 500.0
    union all
    select 'English writing (workshop)', 'Xmas w', '2022-01', 428.571429
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-01', 75411.25
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-01', 52830.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-01', 112462.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-01', 72137.5
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-01', 1000.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-01', 2000.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-02', 9750.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-02', 750.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-02', 49605.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-02', 44445.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-02', 84612.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-02', 53487.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-02', 1015.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-03', 23183.333333
    union all
    select 'Daily Online Learning', 'DOnline', '2022-03', 0.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-03', 1250.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-03', 1250.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-03', 74416.666667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-03', 62513.333333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-03', 120940.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-03', 83433.333333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-03', 1525.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation grammar', 'SV gm ', '2022-03', 2600.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation Math', 'SV math', '2022-03', 2790.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation reading. writing', 'SV cw ', '2022-03', 1090.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-04', 15466.666667
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-04', 750.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-04', 1000.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-04', 69043.333333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-04', 55311.666667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-04', 109283.090909
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-04', 63091.666667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-04', 1220.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation grammar', 'SV gm ', '2022-04', 1260.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation Math', 'SV math', '2022-04', 3545.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation reading. writing', 'SV cw ', '2022-04', 1300.0
    union all
    select '2022 CTMC mock', '2022mock', '2022-05', 640.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-05', 23716.666667
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-05', 1675.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-05', 1250.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-05', 2000.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-05', 93212.857143
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-05', 74465.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-05', 158875.707071
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-05', 94364.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-05', 1750.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-05', 2600.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-06', 28501.111111
    union all
    select 'Daily Eng', 'S-DailyE', '2022-06', 215.833333
    union all
    select 'Eng exam revision(senior)', 'EngExS', '2022-06', 287.5
    union all
    select 'English exam revision', 'EngExam ', '2022-06', 1313.0
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-06', 1688.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-06', 3200.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-06', 1750.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2022-06', 1437.742857
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-06', 94609.734127
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-06', 72029.369048
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-06', 164962.479509
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-06', 92236.966667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-06', 1563.166667
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-06', 2000.0
    union all
    select 'Math exam revision', 'MathExam', '2022-06', 931.0
    union all
    select 'Math exam revision(s)', 'MathExS', '2022-06', 1257.666667
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-06', 5040.2
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-07', 27332.866667
    union all
    select 'Daily Eng', 'S-DailyE', '2022-07', 9651.483333
    union all
    select 'Daily HW', 'DHW', '2022-07', 770.0
    union all
    select 'Daily Math', 'S-DailyM', '2022-07', 15217.4
    union all
    select 'Eng exam revision(senior)', 'EngExS', '2022-07', 287.5
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-07', 2887.8
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-07', 2650.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-07', 4034.357143
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2022-07', 2300.442857
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-07', 97351.338095
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-07', 52279.371429
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-07', 178218.728066
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-07', 72757.966667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-07', 3125.333333
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-07', 2087.5
    union all
    select 'Math exam revision(s)', 'MathExS', '2022-07', 515.333333
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P1/2)', 'M2(p1/2)', '2022-07', 2104.0
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P3&4)', 'M2(P3&4)', '2022-07', 2697.8
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P5/6)', 'M2(p5/6)', '2022-07', 4845.842857
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-07', 8170.677778
    union all
    select 'Preparation for P1 or P1 interview', 'M3(K3)', '2022-07', 697.833333
    union all
    select 'Summer - Little Scientist 4M', 'S-4M', '2022-07', 360.0
    union all
    select '2022 Kinder Math Challenge', '2022KMC', '2022-08', 8190.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-08', 36764.088889
    union all
    select 'Daily Eng', 'S-DailyE', '2022-08', 7852.083333
    union all
    select 'Daily HW', 'DHW', '2022-08', 1680.0
    union all
    select 'Daily Math', 'S-DailyM', '2022-08', 19460.733333
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-08', 5409.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-08', 5614.8
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-08', 6330.642857
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2022-08', 1437.814286
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-08', 109277.520635
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-08', 72522.392857
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-08', 213489.479365
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-08', 33693.566667
    union all
    select 'Full', 'Full', '2022-08', 0.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-08', 2100.833333
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P1/2)', 'M2(p1/2)', '2022-08', 5916.75
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P3&4)', 'M2(P3&4)', '2022-08', 4650.2
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P5/6)', 'M2(p5/6)', '2022-08', 6096.157143
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-08', 7460.288889
    union all
    select 'Preparation for P1 or P1 interview', 'M3(K3)', '2022-08', 5978.833333
    union all
    select 'Summer - Board games', 'S-BG', '2022-08', 600.0
    union all
    select 'Summer - Little Scientist 4M', 'S-4M', '2022-08', 12559.0
    union all
    select 'Summer Reptile Workshop', 'Reptile', '2022-08', 11700.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-09', 26435.266667
    union all
    select 'Daily Math', 'S-DailyM', '2022-09', 430.266667
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-09', 1838.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-09', 4726.2
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-09', 1576.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-09', 96283.333333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-09', 62699.814286
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Eng 1:1', 'Eng 1:1', '2022-09', 730.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-09', 175711.263492
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-09', 66453.7
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-09', 1837.666667
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P1/2)', 'M2(p1/2)', '2022-09', 209.25
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P5/6)', 'M2(p5/6)', '2022-09', 780.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-09', 6559.233333
    union all
    select 'Preparation for P1 or P1 interview', 'M3(K3)', '2022-09', 209.333333
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-10', 23047.060606
    union all
    select 'Daily Eng', 'S-DailyE', '2022-10', 202.6
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-10', 1838.4
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-10', 4200.5
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-10', 1312.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-10', 92977.014286
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-10', 60230.011111
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Eng 1:1', 'Eng 1:1', '2022-10', 1095.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-10', 152583.398413
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-10', 69688.490476
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-10', 323.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-10', 1575.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-10', 4200.9
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-11', 34671.812121
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-11', 1313.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-11', 4725.666667
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-11', 525.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-11', 97610.985714
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-11', 52064.593651
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Eng 1:1', 'Eng 1:1', '2022-11', 1460.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-11', 162757.166667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-11', 89242.628571
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-11', 2036.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-11', 1838.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-11', 2513.1
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2022-12', 20174.093939
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 'EngGram', '2022-12', 787.8
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2022-12', 4725.833333
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 'EngWri', '2022-12', 262.5
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2022-12', 878.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2022-12', 97104.166667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2022-12', 65829.680952
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2022-12', 157950.255556
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2022-12', 80290.380952
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2022-12', 1936.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2022-12', 525.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2022-12', 2851.1
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2023-01', 24939.666667
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2023-01', 2101.166667
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2023-01', 585.333333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2023-01', 58733.133333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2023-01', 55691.433333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2023-01', 130749.8
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2023-01', 68192.166667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2023-01', 1291.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2023-01', 1050.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2023-01', 2989.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2023-02', 24938.166667
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2023-02', 4462.833333
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2023-02', 1170.166667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2023-02', 82230.366667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2023-02', 56560.433333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2023-02', 146886.05
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2023-02', 71785.6
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2023-02', 2902.6
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2023-02', 1050.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2023-02', 3150.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2023-03', 25837.533333
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2023-03', 4463.5
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2023-03', 1462.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2023-03', 105326.3
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2023-03', 63992.2
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2023-03', 171184.3
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2023-03', 79660.966667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2023-03', 2580.4
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2023-03', 1050.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2023-03', 3676.4
    union all
    select '2023 CTMC mock', 'Ctmc m', '2023-04', 350.0
    union all
    select '2023 Easter Bunny Workshop', 'East Bun', '2023-04', 6390.0
    union all
    select '2023 Easter Reptile Workshop', 'EastRep', '2023-04', 4470.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2023-04', 21271.233333
    union all
    select 'Chinese (KOL)', 'Chi(KOL)', '2023-04', 257.5
    union all
    select 'CTMC Prep 2023', 'Ctmc p', '2023-04', 4385.0
    union all
    select 'Easter writing workshop 2023', 'EastWr', '2023-04', 4200.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2023-04', 3414.5
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2023-04', 878.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2023-04', 90219.866667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2023-04', 58008.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2023-04', 142161.943956
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2023-04', 70836.566667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2023-04', 1291.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2023-04', 1050.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2023-04', 1575.1
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2023-05', 29711.933333
    union all
    select 'Chinese (KOL)', 'Chi(KOL)', '2023-05', 772.5
    union all
    select 'English exam revision', 'EngExam ', '2023-05', 1050.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2023-05', 4500.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2023-05', 1220.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2023-05', 90975.083333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2023-05', 70124.2
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2023-05', 167876.064103
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2023-05', 78338.916667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2023-05', 2952.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Secondary Math(1.5) S', 'Mse1.5-s', '2023-05', 1800.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 'HT', '2023-05', 1100.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2023-05', 1100.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 'Chi', '2023-06', 24822.5
    union all
    select 'Chinese (KOL)', 'Chi(KOL)', '2023-06', 772.5
    union all
    select 'English exam revision', 'EngExam ', '2023-06', 525.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 'ELSparks', '2023-06', 4525.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 'EngWr(s)', '2023-06', 915.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 'EL Eng', '2023-06', 99336.45
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 'Eng (s)', '2023-06', 53758.216667
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Eng 1:1', 'Eng 1:1', '2023-06', 760.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 'Math', '2023-06', 172229.125058
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 'Math (S)', '2023-06', 69692.833333
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 'Math 1:1', '2023-06', 1637.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Secondary Math(1.5) S', 'Mse1.5-s', '2023-06', 1800.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 'PM', '2023-06', 1100.0
    union all
    select 'Summer English Sparks', 'SumPhon', '2023-06', 0.0;

    select 'dbr.chart', 'Pie3D', 'Revenue by Course', 800, 500;

    select 'dbr.colstyle', 1, 't';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 2, '{label}

    select 'Summer - Little Scientist 4M' as 'Course', 12919.0 as '[Income]'
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math (S)', 1309384.75
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math', 2722933.852165
    union all
    select 'Math exam revision(s)', 1773.0
    union all
    select 'Full', 0.0
    union all
    select '2022 CTMC mock', 640.0
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P5/6)', 11722.0
    union all
    select 'Daily Math', 35108.4
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P3&4)', 7348.0
    union all
    select 'CTMC Prep 2023', 4385.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Secondary Math(1.5) S', 3600.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English', 1573724.4
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Math 1:1', 25398.5
    union all
    select 'Eye Level Eng 1:1', 4045.0
    union all
    select 'Playmath', 54986.0
    union all
    select 'Eye Level English senior teacher', 1085354.716667
    union all
    select 'English Writing (senior teacher)', 12285.0
    union all
    select 'Daily Online Learning', 0.0
    union all
    select 'Eng exam revision(senior)', 575.0
    union all
    select 'Daily Eng', 17922.0
    union all
    select 'Easter writing workshop 2023', 4200.0
    union all
    select 'English Sparks', 58560.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation reading. writing', 2390.0
    union all
    select 'Special vacation grammar', 3860.0
    union all
    select 'English Grammar', 17937.0
    union all
    select 'Summer English Sparks', 0.0
    union all
    select 'Happy Talk', 20014.0
    union all
    select 'English Writing', 20541.0
    union all
    select 'English exam revision', 3138.0
    union all
    select 'Math Word Problems(P1/2)', 8230.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese', 442014.0
    union all
    select 'Chinese (KOL)', 1802.5
    union all
    select 'Special vacation Math', 6335.0
    union all
    select 'Math exam revision', 931.0
    union all
    select 'Summer - Board games', 600.0
    union all
    select 'Preparation for P1 or P1 interview', 6886.0
    union all
    select 'Summer Reptile Workshop', 11700.0
    union all
    select 'English writing (workshop)', 428.571429
    union all
    select '2022 Kinder Math Challenge', 8190.0
    union all
    select 'Daily HW', 2450.0
    union all
    select '2023 Easter Reptile Workshop', 4470.0
    union all
    select '2023 Easter Bunny Workshop', 6390.0
    union all
    select '2023 CTMC mock', 350.0;

    select '';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Eye Level i Leader Education Center(Mei Foo)' as 'group_concat( centername )';

    select 'dbr.text', 'From 2022-01-01 to 2023-06-30';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Month';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[Class fee]';

    select 'dbr.hsum', '[Class fee]';

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Teacher', 'Total';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Monthly Revenue By Teacher';

    select 'Agnes Leung' as 'Teacher', '2022-01' as 'Month', 72137.5 as '[Class fee]'
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-01', 54830.0
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-01', 21450.0
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-01', 36361.785714
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-01', 10434.285714
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-01', 29962.5
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-01', 6700.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-01', 15887.5
    union all
    select 'Katie Cheng', '2022-01', 15087.5
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-01', 24543.75
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-01', 52825.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-02', 53487.5
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-02', 45445.0
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-02', 9750.0
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-02', 23190.0
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-02', 3415.0
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-02', 20815.0
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-02', 6700.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-02', 21687.5
    union all
    select 'Katie Cheng', '2022-02', 475.0
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-02', 16500.0
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-02', 42200.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-03', 83433.333333
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-03', 62513.333333
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-03', 23183.333333
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-03', 46341.666667
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-03', 2750.0
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-03', 26500.0
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-03', 5950.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-03', 36725.0
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-03', 26265.0
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-03', 61330.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-04', 62841.666667
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-04', 55811.666667
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-04', 15466.666667
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-04', 43118.333333
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-04', 750.0
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-04', 25295.0
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-04', 5450.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-04', 34865.0
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-04', 24735.0
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-04', 52938.090909
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-05', 92814.0
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-05', 74677.5
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-05', 23466.666667
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-05', 56325.357143
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-05', 2700.0
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-05', 42279.68254
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-05', 6950.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-05', 54144.868687
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-05', 36300.0
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-05', 64891.155844
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-06', 91994.633333
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-06', 75195.445238
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-06', 28001.111111
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-06', 59837.084127
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-06', 2788.555556
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-06', 48499.734921
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-06', 5950.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-06', 55469.668543
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-06', 38006.25
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-06', 67281.287157
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-07', 88293.104762
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-07', 61516.730952
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-07', 27332.866667
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-07', 68444.095238
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-07', 3205.5
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-07', 51646.208947
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-07', 5965.3
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-07', 65422.971284
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-07', 38791.066667
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-07', 78595.730375
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2022-07', 1130.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-08', 42625.2
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-08', 77165.190476
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-08', 36606.488889
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-08', 92273.14127
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-08', 418.6
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', '2022-08', 65018.180159
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-08', 6735.2
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-08', 92453.472222
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-08', 36906.7
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-08', 98533.011905
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2022-08', 30049.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-09', 70736.547619
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-09', 63249.814286
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-09', 26435.266667
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-09', 62164.333333
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-09', 20806.7
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-09', 7552.666667
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-09', 81496.983333
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-09', 36689.2
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-09', 77347.815873
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-10', 70401.32381
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2022-10', 7484.633333
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-10', 61397.611111
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-10', 23047.060606
    union all
    select 'Dina Yu', '2022-10', 1252.8
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-10', 60894.5
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-10', 6735.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-10', 66878.195238
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-10', 34201.514286
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-10', 80981.236508
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-11', 90825.628571
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2022-11', 10814.8
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-11', 43459.393651
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-11', 34671.812121
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-11', 66554.9
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-11', 8842.7
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-11', 84243.852381
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-11', 36612.452381
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-11', 74732.414286
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2022-12', 95552.147619
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2022-12', 11061.733333
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2022-12', 67542.947619
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2022-12', 20174.093939
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2022-12', 60896.833333
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', '2022-12', 698.166667
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2022-12', 12941.4
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2022-12', 53801.180952
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2022-12', 24493.566667
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2022-12', 86152.74127
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2023-01', 73125.666667
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2023-01', 12132.333333
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2023-01', 65590.0
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2023-01', 24939.666667
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2023-01', 9790.1
    union all
    select 'Houie Chan', '2023-01', 3023.0
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2023-01', 1825.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2023-01', 60662.066667
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2023-01', 33345.133333
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2023-01', 61889.733333
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2023-02', 71728.1
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2023-02', 10710.766667
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2023-02', 59537.766667
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2023-02', 24938.166667
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2023-02', 41778.866667
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2023-02', 6502.6
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2023-02', 80651.083333
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2023-02', 34676.4
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2023-02', 64612.466667
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2023-03', 80070.966667
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2023-03', 10826.2
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2023-03', 66449.9
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2023-03', 25837.533333
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2023-03', 62737.966667
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2023-03', 4988.0
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2023-03', 99376.055556
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2023-03', 38442.233333
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2023-03', 70505.244444
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2023-04', 77985.238095
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2023-04', 5312.1
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2023-04', 63318.666667
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2023-04', 21528.733333
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2023-04', 49318.066667
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2023-04', 5917.666667
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2023-04', 69024.710623
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2023-04', 38833.633333
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2023-04', 68309.895238
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2023-04', 11210.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2023-05', 77979.016667
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2023-05', 9720.0
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2023-05', 69569.2
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2023-05', 30484.433333
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2023-05', 53159.916667
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2023-05', 6322.5
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2023-05', 95783.297436
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2023-05', 36455.166667
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2023-05', 71350.166667
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2023-05', 697.5
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', '2023-06', 73478.506061
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', '2023-06', 9280.0
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', '2023-06', 53225.716667
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', '2023-06', 25320.0
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', '2023-06', 54778.85
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', '2023-06', 5652.5
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', '2023-06', 92485.353846
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', '2023-06', 41855.1
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', '2023-06', 75798.098485;

    select 'dbr.chart', 'Pie3D', 'Revenue by teacher', 800, 500;

    select 'dbr.colstyle', 1, 't';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 2, '{label}

    select 'TBD' as 'Teacher', 43086.5 as '[Class fee]'
    union all
    select 'Agnes Leung', 1369510.07987
    union all
    select 'Julia Lo', 1161058.760101
    union all
    select 'Ms lee ', 47966.807937
    union all
    select 'Carrie Lee', 87342.566667
    union all
    select 'Joyce Wong', 117680.533333
    union all
    select 'Janice Lung', 310016.306566
    union all
    select 'Ned Tang', 1250274.088961
    union all
    select 'Clara Tang', 1120495.883333
    union all
    select 'Eva Chung', 947965.796825
    union all
    select 'Love Monsod', 597652.166667
    union all
    select 'Dina Yu', 1252.8
    union all
    select 'Cynthia Jiang', 442633.9
    union all
    select 'Houie Chan', 3023.0
    union all
    select 'Katie Cheng', 15562.5;

    select '';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Eye Level i Leader Education Center(Mei Foo)' as 'group_concat( centername )';

    select 'dbr.text', 'From 2022-01-01 to 2023-06-30';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Month';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[Class fee]';

    select 'dbr.hsum', '[Class fee]';

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Room', 'Total';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Monthly Revenue By Room';

    select 'Agnes’s rm' as 'Room', '2022-01' as 'Month', 72137.5 as '[Class fee]'
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-01', 54830.0
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-01', 6700.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-01', 36361.785714
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-01', 29962.5
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-01', 21450.0
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-01', 16137.5
    union all
    select 'Katie’s rm', '2022-01', 15087.5
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-01', 24543.75
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-01', 52825.0
    union all
    select 'Sabrina’s rm', '2022-01', 10184.285714
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-02', 53487.5
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-02', 45445.0
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-02', 6700.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-02', 23190.0
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-02', 20815.0
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-02', 9750.0
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-02', 21687.5
    union all
    select 'Katie’s rm', '2022-02', 475.0
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-02', 16500.0
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-02', 42200.0
    union all
    select 'Sabrina’s rm', '2022-02', 3415.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-03', 83433.333333
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-03', 62513.333333
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-03', 5950.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-03', 48341.666667
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-03', 26500.0
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-03', 23183.333333
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-03', 36725.0
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-03', 26765.0
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-03', 61330.0
    union all
    select 'Sabrina’s rm', '2022-03', 250.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-04', 63091.666667
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-04', 55811.666667
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-04', 5450.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-04', 43118.333333
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-04', 25295.0
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-04', 15466.666667
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-04', 34865.0
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-04', 25235.0
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-04', 52938.090909
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-05', 93604.0
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-05', 74677.5
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-05', 4950.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-05', 58325.357143
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-05', 42279.68254
    union all
    select 'Jiang and love’s rm', '2022-05', 1250.0
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-05', 22216.666667
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-05', 54554.868687
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-05', 37800.0
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-05', 64891.155844
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-06', 91994.633333
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-06', 75195.445238
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-06', 3950.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-06', 61837.084127
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-06', 47874.401587
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-06', 28626.444444
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-06', 57258.224098
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-06', 39006.25
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-06', 67281.287157
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2022-06', 0.0
    union all
    select '4M Barrier gate', '2022-07', 360.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-07', 88550.604762
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-07', 61735.480952
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-07', 4127.1
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-07', 70063.545238
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-07', 51333.54228
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-07', 27645.533333
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-07', 67073.471284
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-07', 40088.566667
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-07', 78595.730375
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2022-07', 770.0
    union all
    select '4M Barrier gate', '2022-08', 1702.0
    union all
    select '4M Flamingo', '2022-08', 1581.5
    union all
    select '4M Ironman', '2022-08', 1881.0
    union all
    select '4M Pom Pom pet', '2022-08', 1580.5
    union all
    select '4M Robotic arm', '2022-08', 1806.5
    union all
    select '4M Squid robot', '2022-08', 1409.0
    union all
    select '4M Tile art', '2022-08', 1011.0
    union all
    select '4M Visible padlock', '2022-08', 1587.5
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-08', 39115.2
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-08', 77165.190476
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-08', 525.2
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-08', 96285.54127
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-08', 65018.180159
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-08', 36764.088889
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-08', 93046.072222
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-08', 36906.7
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-08', 97603.011905
    union all
    select 'Reptile Room', '2022-08', 11700.0
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2022-08', 12096.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-09', 73069.747619
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2022-09', 500.0
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-09', 63249.814286
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-09', 69717.0
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-09', 15144.966667
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-09', 26435.266667
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-09', 84092.916667
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-09', 36689.2
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-09', 77347.815873
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2022-09', 232.6
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-10', 70401.32381
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2022-10', 1880.8
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-10', 61397.611111
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-10', 67629.5
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-10', 5806.533333
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-10', 23047.060606
    union all
    select 'JoyceW’s rm', '2022-10', 262.6
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-10', 67665.695238
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-10', 34201.514286
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-10', 80981.236508
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-11', 90825.628571
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2022-11', 6797.3
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-11', 43459.393651
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', '2022-11', 525.2
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-11', 74872.4
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-11', 4017.5
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-11', 34671.812121
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-11', 84243.852381
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-11', 36612.452381
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-11', 74732.414286
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2022-12', 95552.147619
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2022-12', 9666.233333
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2022-12', 67542.947619
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2022-12', 73838.233333
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2022-12', 1395.5
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2022-12', 20174.093939
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2022-12', 54499.347619
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2022-12', 24493.566667
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2022-12', 86152.74127
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2023-01', 73125.666667
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2023-01', 11201.833333
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2023-01', 65590.0
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2023-01', 11615.1
    union all
    select 'Houie’s rm', '2023-01', 3023.0
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2023-01', 930.5
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2023-01', 24939.666667
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2023-01', 60662.066667
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2023-01', 33345.133333
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2023-01', 61889.733333
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2023-02', 71728.1
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2023-02', 9780.766667
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2023-02', 59537.766667
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2023-02', 48018.966667
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2023-02', 930.0
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2023-02', 24938.166667
    union all
    select 'JoyceW’s rm', '2023-02', 262.5
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2023-02', 80651.083333
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2023-02', 34676.4
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2023-02', 64612.466667
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2023-03', 80070.966667
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2023-03', 9895.8
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2023-03', 66449.9
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2023-03', 67725.966667
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', '2023-03', 930.4
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2023-03', 25837.533333
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2023-03', 99376.055556
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2023-03', 38442.233333
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2023-03', 70505.244444
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2023-04', 77985.238095
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2023-04', 5049.6
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2023-04', 63318.666667
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2023-04', 53518.066667
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2023-04', 21528.733333
    union all
    select 'JoyceW’s rm', '2023-04', 930.166667
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2023-04', 69287.210623
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2023-04', 39621.133333
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2023-04', 68309.895238
    union all
    select 'TBD', '2023-04', 11210.0
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2023-05', 77979.016667
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2023-05', 9720.0
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2023-05', 69569.2
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2023-05', 57359.916667
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2023-05', 30484.433333
    union all
    select 'JoyceW’s rm', '2023-05', 2122.5
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2023-05', 96480.797436
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2023-05', 36455.166667
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2023-05', 71350.166667
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', '2023-06', 73478.506061
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', '2023-06', 9280.0
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', '2023-06', 53225.716667
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', '2023-06', 59241.35
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', '2023-06', 25320.0
    union all
    select 'JoyceW’s rm', '2023-06', 1190.0
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', '2023-06', 92485.353846
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', '2023-06', 41855.1
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', '2023-06', 75798.098485;

    select 'dbr.chart', 'Pie3D', 'Revenue by room', 800, 500;

    select 'dbr.colstyle', 1, 't';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 2, '{label}

    select '4M Barrier gate' as 'Room', 2062.0 as '[Class fee]'
    union all
    select '4M Flamingo', 1581.5
    union all
    select '4M Ironman', 1881.0
    union all
    select '4M Pom Pom pet', 1580.5
    union all
    select '4M Robotic arm', 1806.5
    union all
    select '4M Squid robot', 1409.0
    union all
    select '4M Tile art', 1011.0
    union all
    select '4M Visible padlock', 1587.5
    union all
    select 'Agnes’s rm', 1369630.77987
    union all
    select 'Carrie’s rm', 73772.333333
    union all
    select 'Eva’s rm', 1021059.813492
    union all
    select 'Janice’s rm', 338233.706566
    union all
    select 'JoyceW’s rm', 4767.766667
    union all
    select 'Julia’s rm', 1170792.015657
    union all
    select 'Ned’s rm', 1249344.088961
    union all
    select 'Clara’s rm', 1120714.633333
    union all
    select 'Love’s rm', 603237.166667
    union all
    select 'Eng small table', 38877.5
    union all
    select 'Jiang’s rm', 442479.5
    union all
    select 'Jiang and love’s rm', 1250.0
    union all
    select 'Houie’s rm', 3023.0
    union all
    select 'Katie’s rm', 15562.5
    union all
    select 'TBD', 24308.6
    union all
    select 'Reptile Room', 11700.0
    union all
    select 'Sabrina’s rm', 13849.285714;

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You have so many sectors in the pie chart that the chart is getting crowded. You can set the fixed size for the pie radius and make the chart taller to accomodate all sector info:

    select 'dbr.chart', 'pie', 'Revenue by Course', 800, 1600;
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'radius', 150;
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 1, 't';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 2, '{label}

    myDBR Team

  3. jasmondluk, Member

    Thanks. Besides, the legend label is being truncated if it is too long, is there anyway to extend the limit?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Make the chart wider or make the pie radius smaller to make room for the labels.

    myDBR Team


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